August 14, 2008
Pre-post post!
If you can only imagine this will be the last in bout a week or so of updates- I think.. and because I had a long day this is a pre-post post to entice you to read more in a few days! Well here is the upcoming titles!
Sushi Sushi Sushi- My first sushi experience with my Japanese family- quite the occasion
Kofu vs. Country side-can there be two great things in one?
Survival or Celebration- my first day or two in my apt without much Japanese aid.
Tokyo Trivia- A possible trip to Tokyo before school starts? or maybe the ocean? Ohhh Ahhhh
Hirigana, Katakana, Kangi- Can an Iowa girl learn Japanese?
So many pictures so many journeys in the past few days. Just A Guz has been to Japan and back to the blog awaiting to share vital information which has broadened my horizons and kept me from missing anything yellow and green- and this does include the football team! So till Just A Guz sets up new shop in thier new office at- Kokubo residence Kasai- 403- I shall leave you waiting eagerly for more! Till then enjoy the possibilities and try something new!
Remember- your body is made to sweat so if you feel that it is bad- try it for about three weeks in the summer all day everyday and check out your skin- the difference is probably better for you than any million dolla facial- wow who made this body?
August 10, 2008
What do you use boyen for?
248 dolla for boyen? no way- really 2.48 ish! hehe
There are some sweet things which are happening here in Japan and I have been able to be a part of them. Since the Fire Festival here are a few blobs of things that I have done! And I promise soon the blog will be filled with random crazy things to hear about!....

First, I am over my jet leg- it seemed like it took forever I was always tired and very out of it meaning I was loopy and my japan family could tell- they would ask if I needed a nap! Meaning- "you look like you are not alive!" But today and yesterday I stayed awake all day till 10 then crashed!
Second, I went on my first bike ride today- I was a lot better than I thought but it is quite busy and there are very narrow roads so I hope not to fall or run into anything. We went around town to the library- which had sweet older movies- and to a park and ate a quite quaint meal with her second daughter at her apt! Like many of the meal they are very traditional and they very fun! They have so many elements- chopsticks, different meats, sauces yet I haven't ate anything I thought was completely gross. Here is a typical meal for me... (we eat a lot of the same types of food.)
Breakfast- Scrambled type eggs, two pieces of lettuce, tomatos, two sausages, a yogurt, amazing fruits like huge grapes, and watermelon or bananas, a piece of white Texas sized toast, and we add a soy sauce dressing to the "salad type" breakfast.
Lunch- usually cooked samon, or fish, more lettuce, veggies, rice, and sauces
snack- gelly( that is how it is spelled here)-kinda like jello, or a yogurt
Dinner- very small and usually fried rice- which I happened to make yesterday! HOlla it was good!
That is usually what we eat some other new things are cold tofu with sesame seeds and soy sauce, a meat/onion/other spices wrapped in a wanton wrap, many fresh fruits (no skin- afraid of diseases- imagine eating grapes and sucking out the insides).
Third, My Japanese family is so great- they sacrifice so much for me. I talk to my Japanese mom about so many educational and intellectual things- about America, and japan, and language things. They sometimes last for a long time and then we are rushed to do much else but it is so stimulating and fun.
Fourth, I saw the biggest electronic store ever- it was a discount store. They have many discount stores here it is fun! I saw the new Iphone for 50 bucks a month (no they pay per month and I do not have to pay for the phone it goes together!). Very inexpensive- and I saw a phone which flipped up and then turned sideways to make a TV! It was sweet! The screen looked like a flat screen. There are so many phones- I am going to enjoy this a lot! Also there are so many TV's and cool electronics we do not have in America- like a air guitar device-Above). They are sweet and I think purchasing one may be in my future since they are wicked sweet! But for know I will be sticking with the electric Japanese-English dictionary which will be much more useful for now.
Fifth, Natsuko's (J-mom) daughter has a huge projector and screen at their house! Her husband studied communications- emphasis on Films at Uof I and loves films so he bought a screen for the films! YES please- they have movie nights very frequently and have invited me to come- done! We watched the Olympics tonight and it was just great! So big!
Well, that is not all but all I could get in before I go to bed so this is a quick update from Japan! Check out my photos of Japan and my apt on facebook. ok till later- Oysumni- good night!
Remember- Explore the world you live in- you may find some sweet new things!
(watched Step Up 2 for the first time in Japan- Felt like home).
August 8, 2008
ohayo for you konbawa for me!
Konbawa (good night). It is about 7:15 at night in Japan and it is around 5:12 am for those who are in Iowa. I have been here for two days now and have been fighting my jet leg for all two days- I just took a nap, mid-day to help me stay up later but I get this sick feeling everytime this jet leg hits so.... soon i will be able to sleep it off. But in better news Just a Guz has made it to the beautiful (huge) city of Kofu. It is about the size of Des Moines but there are more people, smaller roads, mountains, and many Japanese people.
Last night, I traveled with another teacher to Iswa to the fire festival, it is the biggest festival in Yamanashi (the province I am in). It is a fireworks festival where they set off about 10,000 fireworks. This is a very special day and I was very glad to be a part of it. I was able to wear a traditional summer kimono called a Yakata and felt almost Japanese except I can't speak Japanese. ( but by the end of the year I should be able to speak a little Japanese- Nastuko sensei- my japanese mom- gives Japanese lessons so I am signing up though the bike ride will be about 40 mins).
me in a Yukata (and a little jet leg you can tell it in my eyes!)
I have learned so much since being here already my homestay family- Nastuku sensei and Yoshi sensei are so helpful and kind. This culture is very rich in history and respect which I am excited to partake in. More information will come as I get into my Apt. and get over this ridiculous jet leg. But for now! Sayanora
Remember: though you may be old that doesn't mean you can't help out a needy NFL team thanks Brett! But in all reality yellow and purple are better.
August 4, 2008
Random Banter!
Robert Hoffman- yes Please- amazing break dancer!
First of all Just A Guz is confessing a love of break dancing. I have benefited from movies like Stomp the Yard, Honey and Step up. I have thus watched and bought Step Up 1 and 2. I rented Step Up 2 "the streets", on Monday and watched at least all the dances everyday since. Then on Wednesday Step Up 1 showed up on my bed, (thanks rents) and watched it that day along with the excellent dances of Step Up 2. You may be thinking what? break dancing? those movies are ridiculous- and JAG says they are ridiculously AMAZING! Step Up 1 is the classic romance dancing combo and Step UP 2 is the amazing street style break dances. They complement each other and should be watched either one after the other or simultaneously. That is done I am finished. (well actually I am keeping a tally of how many times I watch each we shall see!). (And I am learning quite quickly so soon you shall see me breaking it down on a tele near you!)
So what this about Favre? I heard recently (this morning- thank you News 13) that Favre is favoring MN Vikings. What? Bring it I want to win!
Two, watching the colts redskins game now and already missing this next years football season- I feel some taping and watching going on or live cast from ESPN..... But anyway what is this the QB for the colts- Lorenzen- he is 6'4'' 285 lbs. What is this? A QB or a Hulk? He was "taken down" by a 135 safety and was almost carried away with the QB. What a great strategy- a QB who can carry 10 men on his back- no more worries right? Done!
One more thing- Guzmen- was a last name- I paid him to promote this blog! It worked for me!
Have you played Speed Scrabble lately or dabbled in Twirl- if not check your pulse because you may not be alive.
So an update of Japan. As you know JAG is starting this journey in one day! Tuesday August 5- at 10:05 am is takeoff! I have only repacked my bags three times and have one down to 47 lbs and the other to around 65 lbs. I have everything packed up and most of my room at home packed away - almost looks like I have never been here- just kidding! I have been chill'n with my family and friends and have taken many pics! (Check out facebook). ops JAG has been getting to personal here sorry! All is well here- JAG is ready to go abroad and see what God has for this blog and life! So..... here we go- lets go together!
Remember: Speed Scrabble a great game- an even better teaching tool! Love it play it dominate it!
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