First we are doing an outreach at my new church in Coralville- Life Church. The outreach is called the Love wins campaign. We are going to our community to reach/love people by helping them around as we can raking leaves, cleaning, or almost anything water heaters we do it all. Then on Nov. 21 we are going to give out 250 free turkey dinners to those families in need. I am so excited about being apart of this and just talking to people. It is wonderful!
Second, I have been begun my training for a marathon run in April (16-17) to support and raise awareness for THE BRIDGE in Orange City. I ran in Japan last year but this year will drive the trek to NW IOWA to run- pray-for women and children who are affected by domestic violence all over IOWA. Running is and will be ..... It will increase and due to that I ask for prayer for the BRIDGE for sure... also a safe training for the marathon. Lord Bless those who are hurting...
Last, I got this book called "Revolution in World Missions" by K.P. Yohannan. What a wonderful book. Its a journey of a missionary in India who started an organization called Gospel for Asia. He challenges people around the world to give and be missional. It has challenged me to be missional in my thinking and seek God. Here are a few quotes that have impacted my walk with God....
"This is what is important- each one of us is responsible for how we obey what he has said and follow him alone." p. 63- discussing financial freedom as well as using our gifts.
"I am not in any trouble (he heard God say to him), that I need someone to beg for ME or help ME out. I made no promises that I will not Keep. It is not the largeness of the work that matters, but only doing what I command. All I ask of you is that you be a servant. For all who join you with you in the work, it will be a privilege- a light burden for them."
"The words echoed in my mind. This is HIS work.. Why am I making it mine? The burden is light. Why am I making it heavy? The work is a privilege. Why am I making it a chore? " p72.
(Just serve where God has you. You are not alone (all the BODY of christ need all the parts) also living in what he commands of YOU not what he commands for the world. Also this is a privilege for us to carry this LIGHT burden why do we make it so hard.REST in his guidance and wisdom.)
Just want to bless those who read. When you are bogged down look away from you-serve. Be missional. Let God's Blessings flow through you!
Remember- We are to go into the world. It won't be easy. He said he wouldn't give us anything we can't handle. So in faith step out- plow through- serve.