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November 20, 2010
I'm getting married!
So the saying goes once a bridesmaid never a bride...Doesn't work for me! A wonderful happening November 13, 2010 displaced this theory. We were in North Carolina for a Scottish wedding (kilts and all). The focus prior was kilts and how to get through wearing one (Matthew). We flew our November 12, 2010 for an all day flight. Got there at 5 ish - hung out with friends till 12 then slept like a rock. Next day Matthew asks If i want to go get coffee for breakfast.. Of course i say yes... We stop down town New Bern, NC a (300 year old city) at a small breakfast shop (which before we grazed past the Pepsi museum because New Bern is the birthing place of Pepsi) in the downtown district. It was the bakery to be at.. We sat outside soaking in the sun for Iowa did not elicit so many great features during the huge transition season, and talked about when Matthew lived in NC and the places he went too. We sat reminisced and just enjoyed being together. Then we ate a wonderful breakfast of berries and twigs (a wonderful yogurt-fruit- and granola with a biscuit) and biscuits and gravy (which were not as good as mine but nearly... After we ate we headed over to the water.

The Neuse River was enormous and reminded me of Okoboji, IA but a little bigger. There were seagulls yelling, sailboats meandering the water, and waves slopping against the shore. We strolled for a while enjoying the sun and breeze... Then we sat enjoying the wonders of water...

First I said " I love it here! The water is amazing!" Then after his words "I love being here with you...." A blurr of " I can't imagine living without you", "spending the rest of my like with you", "Will you marry me?" swiftly breezed by my ears while I saw a blurr of his body reaching his knee.. and flipping out that once so threatening ring box which came this time as a culmination of the love we have for each other.. After the shock wore off and my brain was able to catch up to the wonderful blurr which had just swept around me.. I said YES! Of course how could I say no to a man whom I love so deeply and believe God has brought to me so we can thus serve the lord together.. Paul always said it is better to be single-- but for this girl God has a companion whom together will serve the lord and bring his kingdom to fruition. Blessed am I to have such a wonderful companion to serve the Lord with!

August 14, 2010
It's Coming! - A site that will exhibit my current loves, blings, and merch... Please wait for updates and opening!!! Just so you know!!! Soon By MO will be online!
August 1, 2010
Back with a black and white cup!
A new change has become of Just Guz... A well added addition to my ever expanding blog sense. Just a Guz has begun as introspect to some outerspects... a random of randoms then lead to a biographical outlook on my Japanese Teaching experience and for now... I figure the tie of the previous shall remain as a thread to my existence but A new random outlook to things shall emerge...
Just A Guz is 2 years older than before and with that comes new responsibilities and random outlooks... So thus begins a newer older outlook on life a aspect of being two years older...
So to be a bit over and out I heard something that has to be said many times so the misunderstanding can be understood..
CNN covers the Clinton Wedding a spectacle- I mean- a celebration for Chelsea Clinton by quoting a famous family friend saying "despite the public spectacle of the wedding, "it's been a very personal experience for them." Really ??? Really??? thought it has been a public spectacle its very personal for them.... kind of a round about way of overgeneralizing that public spectacles are very personal for the Clinton's. For the disclaimer I am not saying that this is true it just leaves room for repetition thus a a funny statement to have been quoted... seriously read it again .....
Next in Football.. the season is approaching reach in to your pocketbooks yall and get your self some tickets or a huge TV with HD cable.... Well with my last running of a vikings game last year so does my run for this years Vikings Miami game.. My latest report is that even with our last ridiculous Race for The Top (thank you Favre)... we still have a better record than Miami so I am fearless to say that as we easily beat our rivals GB we will sure beat our non rivals of the "other" side (afc-really?) so all I am saying is that this year I feel the vikings will find a new rival one that maybe can't be so EASILY beat then dominate........
Latest on food.. Just a Guz has watched food channel, bought a cookbook, made a recipe book and now ready for the challenge of baking, broiling, frying, blanching, and beefing up the repertoire of cooking that has such been squelched by the tedious daily grind. I feel that this year will be new and fresh .....
SO far Just A Guz has cooked..
a shrimp red sauce Alfredo with angel hair pasta with bread sticks
a home style mac and cheese with four different cheeses
chicken enchiladas
arroz con pollo
steak stir fry, chicken stir fry
Yakki Soba- baked chicken with pan fried rice (a Japanese dish)
peach cobbler (tried once -failed then again- duh)
peach sauce with fresh peaches- great on ice cream- someone can attest to that... :)
ice cream sandwiches
twice baked potatoes
Pork Chops
cheese queso (cheese cheese- my name for it) for chip dip
all delish and it shows--- again add running to the list of the day!
Well that is all I got for today.. Peace out
Remember.. change can be good unless it mean cutting off you two smaller toes (prison break) yikes..
June 30, 2010
Just a thought...
"Yet it is better to enter into life maimed but lovely in God’s sight than to appear lovely to man’s eyes but lame to God’s. At first, Jesus Christ through His Spirit has to restrain you from doing a great many things that may be perfectly right for everyone else but not right for you. Yet, see that you don’t use your restrictions to criticize someone else." -Oswald Chambers Utmost
This daily devotional is very challenging and has always come to me with interesting, thought provoking ideas to deepen my life..
I was struck by this statement... "Yet, see that you don't use your restrictions to criticize someone else." As we begin and sustain our journey with Christ we began with this idea of being "maimed"-or wounded/injured not injured by Christ but by the sacrificing of ourselves beating the flesh into submission (allowing ourselves to sort through the crap in our lives and sacrificially give/ let go of the foolish/ wrong behaviors and ideas and build our new mind full of Christ and what he actually has for us the "freedom" in Christ to strive to be like him (Ephesians 5:1-3)... Then as we are perfected and carved by God through our new life in Christ... We have personal restrictions (things/choices that to us would hinder or harm our relationship to God). And in these- some being very different from others- we are reminded to not hold these personal restrictions as a judgement to others..
We are called to not judge others.. For God is the ultimate judge..
With all of this I stand as a learner a grappler of this and many other ideas God has set in front of me... I find myself to be blamed for this as well as many others- this "self-designated" judge to other yet trying not to be a judge for that is not right.. ahhh this is good.. And with this I shall continue to let this sink in and focus on taking the blame and judgement out of my life...
Thank you Oswald.
Remember: Thinking is something you practice- keep it up seriously there are enough people who do not think we do not need more...
June 18, 2010
There is a time for change a time for Vacation!
HELLOOOOOO! Is anyone out there? Have I done myself a backwards duty of shunning all potential bloggers or interested bloggers from my site. If so I am sorry but will bring you back up to date with this wonderful packed blog.... Just a Guz is back for the summer... It has been a while coming but here it is. I miss you all. I cherish your anger..
First, Traveling traveling. Did you know that traveling can make you more tired? Well I can attest to that..... Since May every weekend has been filled with a girls trip to MN for shopping, a set of mom and me birthdays, Iowa City, and the End of School (thank the lord I was about ready to jam a number 2 pencil in my pinkie)...
June- an interview for DSM Public- a Job- a contract- one week in Conn/ Mass, Fenway Park tour, Italian sausage (for those who detest hotdogs as much as I do- It was amazzzzing). seeing the east coast and meeting Matthew's brothers family (also a highlight of the summer- what wonderful people!!!!), A trip to MN valley fair (rainy cold sleepy) enough said, a Braves/ Twins game at Target Field (most fun ever), Braves winning, traveling all over creation with Matthew (wow what a learning experience in a wonderful way), Living in Rock Valley for almost 3 weeks- a test to my liking of Dutch people and their ways, and.....
As you see I have been jam packed. It was a wonderful time. I loved everything and the learning that has ensued. And it has only been 3 WEEKS! I have more summer.
Later- Madeline's wedding (good friend from HS), home with the rents, moving out of IC to DSM, Vaca with the rents at Okoboji, golfing, sun bathing, you know how that goes... So much to look forward to..
But for interesting things sake... All my goals have been focused on getting outside, running as much as possible, watching movies, and reading... Reading "Change of Heart" by Jodi Picoult. WOW- she is an intense writer who knows her stuff. Very graphic when need be but not too much. Makes you think "what would I do if i was in this situation?" This seems to be her forum a set of intense books that focuses on very very intense situations that have no one moral choice that you could choose so many different choices in most of her situations... Very judge and jury but I have grown to appreciate and get hooked on her books. As far as movies- Jackie and I watched My Sister's Keeper- Def liked the book better... though the movie def gave justice to the intensity of her book... Well young readers.. I suggest taking a chance.. opening your book and diving into what seems like an impossible task - relaxing.. I am trying it and beginning to enjoy it...
Remember You have one summer, one season for blueberries, and many chances to enjoy the Vikings.... use them wisely....
WEll you know who...
February 27, 2010
People were...
Today in class there was a malfunction of procedure.. thus a census needed to be taken of the entire (Roman) ESL second grade world.... And we used the term "People were" to describe what some people (not to name name's) were and were not doing that made the class very dysfunctional and we re practiced and practiced how to be in a group... Thus I shall update you with life (more for a personal reflections) using this you may have to guess the who the what and the watch out...
People are
-teaching in a new American school for 7 months now.
-running an average 9 miles a day and 16-18 on Saturdays with the marathon close at hand.
-joining the worship team at church .. loving the practices just worshiping God..
-gaining a new student at school excited for the challenge
-learning that life doesn't stop or slow down you just get use to the pace (or you change it)
-dating a guy for real real.....and really liking him
-enjoying having a great roomie and coming home to life..
-not being sick but feeling sick now..
-working very hard to get better at my job and working out harder..
-trying to bust out new cooking ideas and doing dec...
These are the things in the past few months that people are doing... and by people are you are left up to the duty of either being confused or getting the riddle... Life gets interesting you either turn on your brain or leave it off..
Remember- When you do it well....
January 21, 2010
Because I couldn't Fabreeve
Recently, I have needed to update this Just a Guz because though I am not in Japan anymore (which I came to that realization recently--- maybe a few weeks ago), I still enjoy this contraption taking up my life for a few moments and releasing any frustrations thoughts I have due to many changes in life. Thus, I venture into a realm of re-converging with my thoughts and spewing them on this fresh page....
To begin this recollection I shall start with the present circumstance that of an ICE day... Yes to be clear this is not a snow day for there is snow already on the ground but ice falling from the sky. TO this I took my ice skates our to the streets to pick up the garbage and found about .5 inches of ice on my car. slick.... Thank you to those who created track-less flats the kind that can double one for fashion and two for fashionable ice skates.. I have to say I have been very good on my first run for the morning. But the next venture to the gym is well another topic for the next day...
Next.... The Red Letter Run... will be held April 17. I am very excited to see this time come... Till then I shall ask for continued prayer and support of local locations where women and children who are effected by domestic abuse can go get help. As far as my training is... about 6-8 miles daily with a 12 on the weekends. This shall change quiet rapidly now... But for now I do have a gym which to their liking I use quite frequently getting some mileage from their tredmills as well as this running up a hill machine... TO that I say your welcome.. Though there are many hours spent there.. God is glorified and people are remembered and prayed for.. so Glory be to God...
As far as the Vikings go--- we are going all the way... We have now made it to the last week of battle... Vikings and Saints Sunday!!! This is the way I imagined them winning two years ago.. Last weeks well deserved upset against the Cowboys was a domination non the less.. Did Romo come to play or what?? or was it just the Cowgirls ability? Thats no longer needing any definition. Vikings started a tad shaky but after their amazing TD by Favre and Rice.... The energy and ability of the Team EXPLODED.. Thus pure domination.. I look forward to watching the Vikings playing in the Super Bowl this year... Way to Go BRAD.
(Disclaimer: the next paragraph is my opinion not the complete facts about RTTT, SIG, or SINA due to the lack of information given to me. To raise awareness not to speak for or against.)
In recent news the Dept of Education is changing things around... From NCLB to RTTT- nice.... Its like the Dept of ED wanted us to sound way more ridiculous going from NCLB to RTTTTttttttttt... could we have a few more Ts, MR. T?? I pitty that foo... who thought of that... Anywho I am very glad to see reform and change. This means they are thinking about Education which is important.. Now do I agree??? to early to tell but I think making changes is a must.. we shall see what changes come about... Sounds like more moneys coming into the top 10! (whatever that means- we shall see).. As far as SIG- school improvement grant... YIKES.... It is just what it sounds like... lets finish those SIGS and throw em on the street and smoosh it with our feet.. Funny how improvement comes with so much damage.. Again it is not about being right or wrong but turning around education to help us teach to a test teach to students.... right??? Iowa agrees we need changes--- turning over schools before SINA, School in Need of Assistance, can reach them and squashing them and seeing what we can build up... I am interested how this change goes through... It can be helpful but so painful for communities... Change is needed to education... lets just not squash the rural hopes and dreams of a community who is seeking a future for their families. (If you want more information please link to....Iowa dept of ED notes about SINA, or the Iowa Department website to see more about RTTT, and SIG).
Lastly, Had a dinner party a weekend ago... Served angel hair pasta with a fresh shrimp and tomato cream sauce.. on my new Fiesta ware dishes... Nothing else is needed... thank you... and yummmmmm....
Remember: If you stink at giving a high five- try looking at the elbows.. it works..
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