This daily devotional is very challenging and has always come to me with interesting, thought provoking ideas to deepen my life..
I was struck by this statement... "Yet, see that you don't use your restrictions to criticize someone else." As we begin and sustain our journey with Christ we began with this idea of being "maimed"-or wounded/injured not injured by Christ but by the sacrificing of ourselves beating the flesh into submission (allowing ourselves to sort through the crap in our lives and sacrificially give/ let go of the foolish/ wrong behaviors and ideas and build our new mind full of Christ and what he actually has for us the "freedom" in Christ to strive to be like him (Ephesians 5:1-3)... Then as we are perfected and carved by God through our new life in Christ... We have personal restrictions (things/choices that to us would hinder or harm our relationship to God). And in these- some being very different from others- we are reminded to not hold these personal restrictions as a judgement to others..
We are called to not judge others.. For God is the ultimate judge..
With all of this I stand as a learner a grappler of this and many other ideas God has set in front of me... I find myself to be blamed for this as well as many others- this "self-designated" judge to other yet trying not to be a judge for that is not right.. ahhh this is good.. And with this I shall continue to let this sink in and focus on taking the blame and judgement out of my life...
Thank you Oswald.
Remember: Thinking is something you practice- keep it up seriously there are enough people who do not think we do not need more...