So the saying goes once a bridesmaid never a bride...Doesn't work for me! A wonderful happening November 13, 2010 displaced this theory. We were in North Carolina for a Scottish wedding (kilts and all). The focus prior was kilts and how to get through wearing one (Matthew). We flew our November 12, 2010 for an all day flight. Got there at 5 ish - hung out with friends till 12 then slept like a rock. Next day Matthew asks If i want to go get coffee for breakfast.. Of course i say yes... We stop down town New Bern, NC a (300 year old city) at a small breakfast shop (which before we grazed past the Pepsi museum because New Bern is the birthing place of Pepsi) in the downtown district. It was the bakery to be at.. We sat outside soaking in the sun for Iowa did not elicit so many great features during the huge transition season, and talked about when Matthew lived in NC and the places he went too. We sat reminisced and just enjoyed being together. Then we ate a wonderful breakfast of berries and twigs (a wonderful yogurt-fruit- and granola with a biscuit) and biscuits and gravy (which were not as good as mine but nearly... After we ate we headed over to the water.

The Neuse River was enormous and reminded me of Okoboji, IA but a little bigger. There were seagulls yelling, sailboats meandering the water, and waves slopping against the shore. We strolled for a while enjoying the sun and breeze... Then we sat enjoying the wonders of water...

First I said " I love it here! The water is amazing!" Then after his words "I love being here with you...." A blurr of " I can't imagine living without you", "spending the rest of my like with you", "Will you marry me?" swiftly breezed by my ears while I saw a blurr of his body reaching his knee.. and flipping out that once so threatening ring box which came this time as a culmination of the love we have for each other.. After the shock wore off and my brain was able to catch up to the wonderful blurr which had just swept around me.. I said YES! Of course how could I say no to a man whom I love so deeply and believe God has brought to me so we can thus serve the lord together.. Paul always said it is better to be single-- but for this girl God has a companion whom together will serve the lord and bring his kingdom to fruition. Blessed am I to have such a wonderful companion to serve the Lord with!