July 28, 2008

A horse of another color.....

So Brett Favre (phonetically sounds like /farv/ but should sound like fav-re) decided to return to the big time. Shocked as JAG was, hoped that this was all just a mid-life crisis, yet unfavorable as this is accepted the reality. So as I read and filed through what seemed like a bunch of media-lies it seems to be more real that before.... So how does one feel? Well, (thinking)... I guess he will just have to be pushed into retirement due to his age and inability to preform anymore. (not taking away his earned greatness of the past) he should just leave that to be honored and not his slow degradation into a man who keeps changing his mind (kinda like Micheal Jackson please Favre don't do it). 

About his choices- He went from retirement, so GB could prepare for a fresh year and choose Rogers to be QB, and once this was set- Favre said- I change my mind- let me back. GB honorably turned down such a history maker. I have never favored GB but for them to say we are set for next year- you can play but you will have to step back a little- WOW- I wonder how many financial councilors had to be there in order for Favre not to throw dollar bills at the team? Well, now I guess Favre want to be released to play for other teams- will GB release him? Unsure but most likely- but who to go to? Well it looks as thought he will favor Tampa Bay but did do some hopeful dabbling in MN.  Well, MN could use such a great talent but one so tainted by the green and yellow? Well looks like he won't be gracing us with his presence but for once his dabbling seems to be in the more honorable color- purple Favre and gold! to you I say- finally you are making better decisions!

Remember: Though the color peach may remind you of horrible taffeta bridesmaids dresses- you give it a chance and you never know if the color may fit on your feet!


one week and two days till lift off!

July 22, 2008

Don't forget anything......!

Konbawa! Good night! It is late but for Just A Guz the night is nearly over... 

Packing for a trip. What to take? I need the essentials- toothbrush/toothpaste, soap, and tiki torches. Ahhh the sigh of relief from a great packed bag. But wait after the tiki torches there needs to be matches and tiki fluid, and the unending list. This unorganized mess of packing for a trip seems to be looming on the blog front of JAG. I would rather pack for a short trip... like a three day trip to Ames or something. With all that is left to do packing is number one on the list (below is the list)

1. packing
2. not forgetting anything and not taking everything

So you see the list has dwindled! Good for JAG but bad for business. As for packing we would take a small suitcase for a three day weekend to my sisters house 10 mins away- so what does a year look like? Well we have all seasons, well most of them but are they the same temperature? Good question.  Also, being a part of a gender which thrives on being well prepared- clothing is very difficult to leave or to take. The spare bedroom is now found a new sense of usage- what do I want to take and what do I need to take. Well thankfully for JAG's predestined procrastination- I leave myself about two weeks to do a three day job. So update- clothes are flying, teva's are preparing, and with careful supervision from one who created the author of JAG (yes that is Just A Guz's mom), and onebag.com  things should be done with a unreasonable double brained set of dogs with extreme ADD. So no need to worry all will get done but I shall pack all things necessary like fluffy! 

Lets get to things not so update-ish but Just A Guz-ish. As one who taught me everything would say "what is all this -ish?". I say this ish is for the recent thought process of JAG. I just returned today from a free-day-off from work- because of the crazy winds and rains that crossed central IA last night. This day off freedom was enjoyed with a little shopping, talking, and matinee viewing of Momma Mia. I expected nothing going into this move. I have heard the wonderful music from ABBA before, danced to it myself, so I felt prepared for whatever came my way. Well, I was blow into the seat behind me (as opposed to being blown out of the cinema). The singing was fantastic, the dancing very enthusiastic, and the plot moved on quite fast. I was very impressed at the location of filming. What a beautiful Paradise. I thought I was a part of the scenery and Collin Firth, Pearce Brosnan were on screen did not hurt either. Over all I was enjoyed myself hearing music, seeing dancing, and watching such a beautiful place. Would JAG see this again? Well, I would not say no but might choose another film to spend the 9 dollars on. So, enjoyable would be my outcome.

Remember: Pink and Black are great room colors but when combo-ed with a blue t-shirt fearful children run crying "My EYES!"


July 18, 2008


Audience san, Konnichiwa! Hello again friend. Though my eyelashes are not this feathered.. (badoom ching), I do consider this blog an update of this wonderful place soon to be called home..mi casa... Japan. Yeah, about this language barrier- is it a barrier or benefit? Well, this language is quite intense in an un-intense way. There are tones instead of many hard rules. And two or more alphabets. But seriously- keep it to the basics. Just A Guz is looking forward to adding a study of Japanese to my repertoire but where to start? So for this I shall share with you all my knowledge this far of the Japanese language as taught to me by a few free lessons.. by Rocket Japanese-(I like rockets- so why not!).... I shall be talking to a imaginary friend names Konchi..

Molly: Konchi san, konnichiwa! ( assuming it is afternoon- hence konnichiwa)
Konchi: Molly san, Konnichiwa! O Genki desu ka?
Molly: Genki desu, (along with other banter- such as -estoy bien-I am fine).
Later: Molly: Konchi san, dewa mata.
Konchi: Molly san, sayanora.

This conversation thought very brief was all from a memory bank of about twenty to thirty words which I am still working on and progressing through. Here is the conversation, I just had in English...

Molly: Konchi, good afternoon!
Konchi: Molly, good afternoon! How are you?
Molly: I am fine.
banter banter

Molly: Konchi, see you later
Konchi: bye.

I can officially begin and end conversations. The most important parts! So you could say Moshi Moshi to that (means hello, hello). Done. This update was brought to you by Rocket Japanese- hey you don't need to be a rocket to learn Japanese but hey it wouldn't hurt! Sayanora!

Remember this phrase: Oyasumniasai- (oiasumneasie)! Just incase you have nothing else to say good bye is a great way to end some confusing conversation! Try to say it twice at regular speed!


July 15, 2008

Would you ask Picasso to play pictionary? Viva La Visa II

The Visa- with a glorious background of a goodwill shirt bought by my BFF- CO (love it)!

Done! Today marks the day of partial insemination into Japan.  I received my single entry Visa today with no problems (for those of you who prayed- Gloria Dios). What does this mean? This means I was just give then right to not only go to Japan but to work in Japan. After sending this to the Japanese Consulate in Chicago- they said "heck ya" to Just a Guz taking Just a Guz of Japan. Thus opening my first change to JAG- it is now Just a Guz of Japan. The enormous worries of can I get to Japan are finally coming down to the easy things- how many toothbrushes do I need to take, Do I take the purple shirt or the green shirt, or what kind of American baggage do I take. I have my plane ticket, my passport, my visa, my invitation to Japan so here we go. 

ps. Due to this visa Just a Guz needed to get a passport picture. Yeah had one before but do not remember it being on a white background. Well the work shirt colors are red, black, or white- and it has been so hot that white seems to be the best choice. NOt this time folks! There is the visa with the bobble head of JAG writer and author. Ridiculous- Photoshop the rest of my body in please- or at least an outline. 

The Fourth with College Christa and family!
The Next weekend with Camp Krista on Boji Beach! 

Camp '07 reunion- a little blurry- Thanks EV!

Two, I have been taking some time the past few weeks to reunite with some friends to strengthen our BFF- ness and then to also say Hello- to my new adventure. These past few weeks have been good times of reflection, relaxation, and sun. ( A little burnt but love'n it). Taking as many pictures as I can to make sure I have a repertoire of memories to take with me.  Am I getting cold feet? Well, there have been times of quick hesitance yet still very stoked to take on this new freedom called life. I heard it said once like this "Go big or go home" this is the time to take new adventures. SO the lets get started- packing- yeah right there are three weeks en-counting.  Lets go!

pss. to the friends- (since I did a ps for the visa might as well pss the pssssssss. ok anywho- just a holla out to my friends! I have had nothing but great memories and times with all of ya who I have been able to see lately! You are all such a blessing in my life. Well a blessing which has been rudely interrupted by a floating dock and some people who can't take pictures on floating docks- don't they have classes for that?- just kidding loved it!).

Remember: Would you ask Picasso to play pictionary, or Merriam Webster to play scrabble, or Gene Kelley to show up on Dancing with the Stars? If no, then please reconsider!


July 9, 2008

Khhhhhh Khhhhhhh........

Achooooo you say? Well today Just A Guz experiences something to which you may feel a blast of air shoot out from your chest. An x-ray of JAG's chest. This is another of the little list of three very big things to get done before Japan. Why a chest x-ray? Well, it may be because they it is a cool thing to see inside your chest, but in reality there is a little ambiguity. I think Japan watches for TB. Or other lung type problems. Not really sure but I did just spend some dollars getting a chest x-ray. So to dive into the ordeal please step forward and enjoy this process with me.
I came into the hospital and found the x-ray lab. Filled out about 15 mins of paperwork to ensure I had insurance. Then took the plunge. They took me into a room called the women's changing room. I thought "adult diapers"- sick- but to my relief it was a room with shower like rooms inside. A lady said go into a room and put on a pretty blue gown, no wait she said- please I think the pink one would be better (maybe it had to do with my skin tone- not sure). So I began to put it on and ..... what there is like 5 strings on this shirt- where do they go to- and soon I was tangled in a mess of a pink gown. well not that bad but it was confusing. So after about 2 mins of confusion the nurse came and took me to the x-ray room. She put on a lead vest over my waste and we proceeded to a large dark room with a table and a wall board. I stood up to this wall board- which was flat and had like grid marks on it. She contorted my hear up and had me reach my "short" arms around the board till I could barely stand on the ground. Then snap snap. Done- I thought about a 20 min prep and a  minute process. Crazy. Then I returned the pink gown (to my dismay) and left. Done. Wow so fast so painless (except the contorting my head and body to this wall board). So thank you for going through this process with me. I have done it and now shall enjoy the bill.

Remember: Lead thought in paint can be harmful can help you- like in the lead vest put around my waste to protect me! Lead is cool- a bad and good!


July 8, 2008

Viva La Visa

Another little update- mid day! I know you are thinking what would it take for Just A Guz to be able to post mid-day, well how about a dentist apt. and the need to send off visa information. Did it for me. Of course Fed EX is only open 9-6 when going into work at 8-6 makes it really nice that I am omnipotent! So I traveled to Des Monies to take care of this, then came back with some extra time.  So Viva La Visa- it is done! Thus I start journaling, breathing, listening to Cold Plays new song Viva La Vida, and then blogging. 

So Japan you say? I would say here we come. Just sent in the visa papers which hopefully will be in next week- There was a little mess up with my birth date on the invitation papers so God willing all will be ok. (this is a good time to pray-I will wait). Ok thanks for that prayer. I know all will be ok but as of July 5- two days ago- I have one month. And you ask how do I feel. Well, I have sat in a feeling pool of tranquil waters for a very long time which has been nothing but peaceful. As the time grows closer, my tranquil pool of water has become more like the wave pool of potential turmoil. Lot of emotions (thus the female side of Just a Guz is spilt), goodbyes, changes. So all is well for the most part- just watch out for my random inconceivable splits of crashing future revelations to which I say bring your seasonal gear there will be many changes of weather! So all is going and moving forward! Keep this in mind- Japan is only a hop skip and a jump away.

Remember: Japan is two syllables, for those who just clapped to make sure I was right- thank you I had to also! 


July 4, 2008

So this is the beginning......

While Just a Guz starts to transition into  a new blog style we are trying out many avenues of blogging- advertisements, endorsements, news, style, typing upside down, and such. This is the first addition to the new blog- Just A Guz: of Japan. This will dive into the Japanese culture and all that Just a Guz learns from Japan. Japan is a sweet country from what I have researched (or had my 5th grade writing class research for me!). I will fill you in here soon with all the basic information about the country so you will be enlightened to the fact of a new country and culture. 
As far as progress, A plane ticket was just purchased (making the trip seem more real- when you put a dollar amount on it). Also I just filled out my visa papers and need to get them sent in. Other than that- not much but this is a huge step to what is going to happen soon. Not much has happened here since I was hired for the position so any movement creates life to this journey! So just an update- August 5 in counting! So enjoy the Fourth of July- celebrate and don't eat to many sparklers.

Remember- Sparklers are hot even though they look so cool!


July 1, 2008

So this is love... hhhhmmmm

To steer myself away from the forum of self reflection I have regressed to one of my more recent past times- more advertisements for thing which do tickle that part of my back which then throws me into convulsions. I have quickly become in weird search for a show which I can wrap my taste buds around for short periods of time- say 30 mins or less and thus enjoy a bit of rest and relax. Well I have searched the more recent TV viewing capability of full episodes on the networks websites. Why not use the TV you ask- well since i do my weekly TV viewing on Sundays an not all shows are on Sundays it throws me into a state of graveling. So i have been searching and have found a few diamonds in the rough....... Enjoy the TV reviews of Just a Guz

In Second place: The Unit- this is a discontinued secret ops show which ties in an underground army unit whose job is to do deeds of the president. It is about the men and the families behind them. This to most would seem like the rerun of NASH but no it has great use of explosive operations, cliff hangers, and family ties to satisfy any need for a aggressive-blood-pumping show. So in reality if you are an oldie like Just A Guz and like JAG, NCIS- or any other army like show this is one which feels movie like in every episode.  The Unit- creates a lifelike setting of each location they travel to, while paying attention to details which to most would seem piddly ( if this word confuses just move on BBMak) but makes the viewer drawn into every move made by these men.

First place: The Big Bang Theory. For those who do not know- I didn't either till i met it on cbs.com. We first met one Sunday afternoon after my desperate want for a new funny- and not too shallow Sitcom. I saw the character- four very geeky nerds, and one more beautiful women and said- oh crap this is a remake of beauty and the geek- but to their cleverness I was wronged. Not that this show is my first runner in all categories- which I have none- but to those who love a guz of clever-ridiculously funny one liner nerds and ridiculous blonds this is the place. I have been quite drawn into the brains of Sheldon who seems like an OCD, wisord from a back street of Harvard. I do not dare to say this show is all together rewarding of a gold medal but for all the random on liners I give a Cleverness award and a he he haw haw. This is not a usual Just a Guz television show and do not want to persuade you to think that it is funny but just try it out for size and tell me there is not just 5 things you find yourself laughing at on each episode- then you may throw the first tomato.

Remember: Don't degrade the power of a Disney movie- for though they seem to be for the youngsters but they do have heritage- honor that!
