The Visa- with a glorious background of a goodwill shirt bought by my BFF- CO (love it)!
Done! Today marks the day of partial insemination into Japan. I received my single entry Visa today with no problems (for those of you who prayed- Gloria Dios). What does this mean? This means I was just give then right to not only go to Japan but to work in Japan. After sending this to the Japanese Consulate in Chicago- they said "heck ya" to Just a Guz taking Just a Guz of Japan. Thus opening my first change to JAG- it is now Just a Guz of Japan. The enormous worries of can I get to Japan are finally coming down to the easy things- how many toothbrushes do I need to take, Do I take the purple shirt or the green shirt, or what kind of American baggage do I take. I have my plane ticket, my passport, my visa, my invitation to Japan so here we go.
ps. Due to this visa Just a Guz needed to get a passport picture. Yeah had one before but do not remember it being on a white background. Well the work shirt colors are red, black, or white- and it has been so hot that white seems to be the best choice. NOt this time folks! There is the visa with the bobble head of JAG writer and author. Ridiculous- Photoshop the rest of my body in please- or at least an outline.

The Fourth with College Christa and family!
The Next weekend with Camp Krista on Boji Beach!
Camp '07 reunion- a little blurry- Thanks EV!
Two, I have been taking some time the past few weeks to reunite with some friends to strengthen our BFF- ness and then to also say Hello- to my new adventure. These past few weeks have been good times of reflection, relaxation, and sun. ( A little burnt but love'n it). Taking as many pictures as I can to make sure I have a repertoire of memories to take with me. Am I getting cold feet? Well, there have been times of quick hesitance yet still very stoked to take on this new freedom called life. I heard it said once like this "Go big or go home" this is the time to take new adventures. SO the lets get started- packing- yeah right there are three weeks en-counting. Lets go!
pss. to the friends- (since I did a ps for the visa might as well pss the pssssssss. ok anywho- just a holla out to my friends! I have had nothing but great memories and times with all of ya who I have been able to see lately! You are all such a blessing in my life. Well a blessing which has been rudely interrupted by a floating dock and some people who can't take pictures on floating docks- don't they have classes for that?- just kidding loved it!).
Remember: Would you ask Picasso to play pictionary, or Merriam Webster to play scrabble, or Gene Kelley to show up on Dancing with the Stars? If no, then please reconsider!
1 comment:
At least it's a floating black and white head instead of a colored photo of you sporting a peach spaghetti strap tank top. I had a friend from college who got stuck in that situation... it looked like her id card was a photo of her in her birthday suit! Yikes! I'd take floating head any day over that. :)
Plus- I think it is an unwritten rule that id photos have to be terrible.
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