This is going to be a whirl wind effect of the last month of life for Just A Guz in Japan.... Pictures, info, traveling, the suspense of it all. Hold on to your shoes yall!


First, I have been to the mountains a few times lately- we went to Shin-ju-ku Temple and ventured to go through that area which became a little hike into the mountains!..
Shin-Ju-Ku Temple
Senior pics while hiking (just before we were drenched by the rain)
Well, Next what to do... How about some pics from Tokyo I wrote about it before but didn't get pics up!
Japan: Land of the heels! Kinda crazy- do you think these go on bikes- YEP, on trains- yep on three mile jogging trips- yep! ouch!
Me with a melon flavored cone and another friends cone in front of what is called the turd building. It was given that name for numerous reasons....I'll leave that to you!
A little taste of some fashion in Tokyo at Shibuya (the fashion central)
Japan Fashion: ANYTHING goes!
early morning fish market- just slapping up some slabs of tuna!
The Brady Bunch! Here is my Japanese Family- Natsuko-mom, Yoshi- dad, Akane (eldest daughter of three). Her children- Shin-3 and Yumi-1 so cute!
Shin's just enjoying the water to much to look at the camera! Silly kid!
Yumi- my fav little 1 year old! What a cutie!
SUSHI PLEASE! My first experience at a sushi resturant chain with my Japanese rents!
is that squid- yep!
I said I would try anything and that is what I got! it was a blast!
tuna, onion, and mayo- pretty good ( did that tuna come from the fish market?)
Dad having a little bit ( and over twenty plates of sushi- done!)
Just in case you wanted a special order from the special order menu- they would send it out via a rapid speed train which was above the conveyor belt- ps my favorite sushi is bellow the train- scallops and onion!
mom taking a big bite out of a squid ( she did it first to lead the way!)
Fujioshida- the festival marking the end of the climbing season! it was a huge fire festival with untamed torches which could burn you easily! No fire marshalls here! Just free raining huge torches!
Just watching the beginnings of a torch!
The firemen who are carrying a huge idol of sorts on their backs! They were swaying a lot, we thought they were going to hit us- then we learned they were completely drunk and were swaying because of that and the extreme weight of the idol.
The opening gate of Fujioshida- and you should be able to see Fuji San (mnt) in the back but it was so cloudy (soon to rain) that we couldn't even see mnts!
a taiko drummer! We saw a great taiko drumming group here! Also ate lots of yukki torri (chicken cabobs), Yukki soba ( noodles and chicken), and more chicken! and bought about 15 dolla of candy- long story!!!!
Well for the sake of taking up the entire page and then some with pictures and things this will have to do till the next posting of Just A Guz. Everything is quite delightful in Japan! The weather is finally settling into the lower 80's so it is bearable again! Also, school started and I am getting use to being an English Teacher in Japan- it is so different! Also, just met a great girl who had a connection to NWC and found that God leads his children! I have been blessed in so many ways! So this seems incomplete but there are more pics on facebook, and more posts this next few days! till then Sayanora!
Remember: Dole pop sickles are a great snack for breakfast lunch and dinner. They double any meal!
Yay for having the internet! It looks like you're having a great time...hope teaching is going well too. Question: can I link to your blog from my blog?
Keep your chin up MK!
The pictures are beautiful, and so are you! I hope everything is going well for you!
Did you make any s'mores at the fire festival?!
S'mores? Awh man I knew I forgot something- i brought chicken breasts, watermelon, scottcheroos, a potato type salad and grilled as we walked- but how could i forget the smores- I am so disappointed in myself.....I need to remember my roots!
I think you should go all out and try to set some sort of fashion trend in Japan. Red polo and khakis?? :) Well- maybe not.
Great update, Molly!
red and kaki- love the combo- great style advise. where did you get the idea- i am wearing it everyday! DONE!
That sushi looks good...
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