October 27, 2008

Nepal Sweater Festival! A very warming event!

This is a beautiful wood carving of Nepal that was on display!

This story begins and is continued by this wonderful lady who is speaking and wearing the Nepal Sari. For my bad memory I will call her Sensei for I do not remember her full name. This wonderful lady is the quintessence of servant hood for she not only gives but educates. After visiting Nepal once as a tourist Sensei felt the urge to help in some way. She knew she could give money but wanted to give more than money. She felt that money is only momentary and that education is lifelong. So she decided to teach local women how to knit creating beautiful knit sweaters, bags, socks and so many wonderful things. Sensei taught the women how to make the yarn, dye the yarn, and go through all the steps necessary to create beautiful works of art. After this training she had the sweaters sent back to Japan and twice a year has a sweater festival to raise money for the Nepal people. She has since, I think 30-40 years ago, built 12 schools and 1 college which supports the schools by training some of the students to become teachers which can be come teachers at these schools. The money from this sweater festival will go back in full to the Nepal people to help sustain their lives. All materials are made organically and created by the women by hand. I could only begin to share her wonderful story which has inspired me to be more of a servant to those around me. She still gives and gives to other creating awareness and starting new education for women in Nepal. Her new project is showing women how to have healthier pregnancies and births since they mainly do the delivery by themselves and the death rate after deliveries is so high. She is one amazing lady.

So I was here for two days with my host family. The first day we helped prepare food- so I was literally helping creating many Japanese meals for everyone and set up for this sweater festival! The second day was final preps and making the Nepalian food for the festival! This food was given out free of charge as a thank you to supporters! Some food we made was Douchai- which is Chai Tea,which I am a pro at now! Natsuko (mom) and I manned the both giving out tea (HAI DOZO) so we experienced how to make Douchai many times ! It was so fun! Also we made Mochi- which is pounded rice molded in a shape of a sucker on a wooden stick which is then coated with Miso paste and other spicy spices and grilled over a fire, Pizza, and these pot stickers made with a potato veggie middle! It was so much fun! 

Nagisa (sis) in front of the night sky! This was right before we all ate dinner which we helped chop and cook!!! There were about 30 of us sitting outside on the beautiful mountain side enjoying eating and drinking (for me green tea) and enjoying nature.

So I stayed in my first "real" hostel. I slept in a room with two other women who new little English. I became pretty confident in Japanese as I was asked many things and tried to get through it. But I was just excited to see what sleeping on tatami was like and being in a room with strangers was like- because this is very normal. I had a great time and slept for about 10 hours because I was so exhausted from the day! 

Here is where we ate and cooked many things! It was so fun to be cooking and peeling things outside and getting out hands dirty around the mountains! The views were amazing from every angle! Oh we were in Gifu-ken which is two prefectures away from Yamanashi-ken and 3 hours from Kofu! It was definitely a family vacation you know the typical long car ride and many random naps and stops at rest stops for bathroom breaks!

Step 1: Mochi process- to pound the rice. yes this is the family- Yoshi- dad, pounding the rice and Nagisa trying to help out! I did try this out and it was difficult!

Step 2: Mold the rice into wooden forms- and placing a wooden stick in the middle. Natsuko is actually happy we had just laughed- but Yoshi kinda caught us off gaurd!

Step 3: It was cooked and coated with a mixture of miso paste and spices! Then you grab a new Japanese friend, Miusa, and enjoy! 

Nagisa making the potato potstickers! (nice hat- we convinced mom and dad to buy it for her!)

The potato potstickers! I will find out what they are called in Nepal! But they made so many of them to give out!

The makeshift tents created because it rained that day! Stink! But it still was a sweet day! As you see under the tents were the sweaters and other things donated to sell for Nepal! Many of Sensei's textile students made things to sell- so there hand made things from Japan too! a Cultural Festival of sorts!

a sweet country style band that came to support Nepal! The guy in the red vest I think is from Nepal! They played many songs I new like "What a friend we have in Jesus!" This was a little blessing from God for me that day! 

Here Roxi and I are checking out my new diggs! I got new sweater socks! Hand made by Nepal women! They are so sweet and WARM! I wear them every day at my place to keep the cold out! Below are a couple bags, and a hat I got from the festival too!

I am digging the hat! Only go hyaku en! five dolla!

This weekend was beyond words- This is something that most people who travel to Japan do not get to see. This festival did not bring in the masses nor was it so well known but the impact on the world was huge! I was so honored to be able to help and support such a great passion!

Remember: You may think traveling to a new country will teach you so much about that country but in reality it opens you up to the world!


October 24, 2008

Celebration where Celebration is overdue!!

This will be the shortest and most exciting post for Just A Guz yet. A blog I follow showcases fashion for the world. I humbly gaze as I appreciate the talent of the photographer. I have there are many whose words are better juxtaposed who leave comments on outfits and style of the photographed.... But much to my surprise the only comment I was brave enough to leave one day was ACKNOWLEDGED and accepted to the blog (for this blog only accepts comment that have been ok-ed by the author). This was very overwhelming for me and Just a Guz wanted to remember this day.. Thank you to all my supporters I want to thank.....(ok this is not an award but I can have my moment right?) 

Remember: There is nothing like a pair of loose fitting tights on a cool fall day. Try it out!


October 19, 2008

Random things!

These are some random pictures I have taken to show some of Kofu! Kofu is a beautiful place there are many sculptures randomly on the sidewalks (hence me on my kind pic) and the other three pictures are taken at a park/Prefectureal Art Museum area. One day we went for a picnic here and rocked out on relaxing on the green while watching people play badminton! (Another reason why I just bought a badminton set-it is sweet!) 

These two pictures are sweet! On Saturday the 18th there was a huge walk that happened close to Kofu around a river ( i want to say Fuefuiki river but not sure yet!) and all of us (in pic 1) walked during this day! The people in the pictures are- Takao and Roberta (the couple who takes such good care of us while we are in Japan) (did you know that Takao is related to Takedo Shingen-a famous samurai- and John Wayne???) next to Roberta is Annie- who works at an elementary school in Yamanashi- shi and is my bff sister in Christ!- Next is Angela- a sweet DM teacher who all ways has the connections to everything and takes me around to so many sweet places! then me!  Us three girls did the 12K walk and Roberta and Takao did the 6k walk! It was beautiful and we girls just talked for the 2 hours we were out! And got some sweet sun! We stared with some great stretches with all the other people and then we were off- we finished in a little over 2 hours and felt it in out hips! But it was so nice to be out and in the sun! It is still pretty warm here about 75-80 and it is October- CRAZY! I am enjoying it while I can! 

Remember: beauty is seen all over no matter how pretty things are or not! And 2 you should try riding your bike more- it is so refreshing! 

October 17, 2008

The Rhythm of Japan

There was a time when my sister and I were quite the rhythm machines. The random times we were maybe bored or had silence in the house were spent with rhythmic involvement. We would sometimes sing, yell (nice things), or just simply start to clap. The first person to start started the beat and then the other complemented it. ( sorry to those who are embarrassed by this). Simply we rocked out every time we were bored! Who can say no to a good rhythmic jam session? Not us! 

Then skip a few years ahead- probably around 10 or so.... The Kodo Drum concert. This was a traditional taiko drum group who uses traditional drums and outfits and the whole works to portray "the Rhythm" of Japan. There was amazing drumming, great stories told by a Japanese fan dancer, singing, to a huge drum played by a man wearing a sumo outfit. I can't even put to words what sitting in the second row of this huge auditorium, so close that I could see and almost feel the sweat of the drummers, and the excitement and wow I am just going to stop and say please check out the you tube video I found of them. This is only a bit of what they do. Imagine that little clip times 1hour and 40mins of great drumming times 10! It was so cool to see the culture like this! So you could say they were pretty good but stole some of their ideas from my family (even though this tradition is from hundreds of years ago- I should have to say in it huh?) 

Remember: When you are stared at just think of all those people who aren't staring at you but the man in the green suit behind you! 


October 14, 2008

A Panda, A Peacock, and A Set of Red Cranes

Hello again. I have a story to share one which must be told and must be heard! Well as usual I walk into the teachers room to sit after class. I rest my legs and take out something to work on like Japanese, or Time magazine, or I check my email! Well, today I was surprised. I came in after my second class and say this beautiful origami panda holding bamboo stick. I thought- is this mine? Or maybe the other person who shares my desk- well I thought- it is in the middle of my table top so it must be mine! I sat and starred for while in awe- this was made with delicate hands and for me- how nice. I placed it at the top of my desk and went to class number three. After that class I found a pink peacock on my desk. After this I had to find out who was giving me these beautiful works of art. Ms. Naito- one of my English teachers said that a first grade boy made these for me- he hangs out in the nurses room because he has some heart problems. So he has become a master at origami. So I went to find this boy and thank him for his beautiful work. He was such a nice kid and then gave me the red cranes in front ( these are all from the SAME piece of paper that is why they are connected) HAWHAT? I was in awe again (awe #2)! WOW I am going to go into that room sometime and have him teach me how to do this- it is amazing! I was so blessed by this boy- to get such a beautiful gift on my desk in the middle of the day! WOW (below is my reaction- anything that was wrong was completely erased!) 

Remember: There is something to be said for breaking the language barrier through actions- even if little is said there is still a complete understanding! 


Annie to Molly wa Tokyo ni ikimashta!

This is a faithful narrative of all my dealings with Tokyo. I shall not reinstate my prior sentiments about .... ok to much Pride and Prejudice!  

This past weekend, We had another Holiday- a celebration of  Sports meaning a three day weekend! Because of this Annie and I decided to go on a trip of sorts. It was either Atami- a beach or Tokyo. Well because of the cooler weather (75-80) we felt the beach would be better next summer. So Tokyo here we come!
These pics are actually out of order but really who know but me- and now you I mean... what is happening to the art of surprise? Well any who, this is actually one pic of Annie and I after our day in Tokyo. Who would not feel this way- millions of people, shopping, and 6 hours on a train! SKULLS!

Well we happened upon a Mac store in Tokyo and I decided to trick out my Mac (not McDonalds for you from Japan who think Mac is McDonalds (Macodonoaldos in Japanese) with some safety features- like white covers for my hand rests, a keyboard cover, and this handy mixing table- you know safety- for those occasional call from a local club who needs my American mixing skills~ I am just saying- just in case! hence safety features!!!!! 

(DJ MO mixing it up~ who doesn't want this at a party).

So while we were shopping we found some interesting ( an over used word in Japan) food venues. This one was called Razzleberry. It had its own themed music- in English, own ice cream flavors, and a pink studded leather trash can! So we stopped to see what was on the menu- well you can choose three sizes cute, sexy, and glamorous. WELL.... I would like one Glamorous Razzleberry ice creamu please! I stood there and could not handle it- to much pink- and to many great ideas. Here is one- try to order anything using this sweet size chart~ I would like a double cheeseburger, and one Mountain Dew please, Yeah make that a glamorous Mountain Dew please! 

So lunch hit us a little late but we wanted to check out a new place. So we chose one that looked decent. (side note- most food establishments in Japan have a front window which serves as a menu- of plastic foods which represent what they have- so even if you do not speak Japanese well you can order!!! Its sweet!) So we stopped at this Soup ya- Soup shop! I had some clam chowder curry, and Annie had some "hamburger" curry (or that is what it tasted like!) It was great and we ate so fast because we were hungry from all the shopping!

So we get off the train in Shinjuku one of the more busy stations and first hear the sound of a marching band- we followed our ears to this parade for Sports Day! It was a great taste of home! I missed the sound of a great brass band- and their marching was great!

SO this is what I call a busy intersection! Shibuya is the Times Square of Tokyo- and Annie and I were situated at the huge Starbucks right above this intersection! there is a road under all the people - a four lane intersection from all directions! It was huge. This was when the "walking" light turned red- i would say the people own this sections. Once I saw a car not make the red light turn and had to stop while all these people walked around it. They ate up that car and spit em out! It was great!

Ahh this is the Starbucks we were sitting at in the prior picture! It is so hard to get seats to that window but we did it!

I would have to say this is the most glamorous person I saw in Tokyo- I had Annie fake a picture of me to catch her- she turned right as we took the pic but... Her hair was in a gorgeous french twist ( not the banana clip kind) and had on a tailored white coat to and a little day cocktail dress on and I wish you could see her shoes! I just loved seeing all the fashion here in Tokyo- so many great ideas and so many things you would never try ever!!!!!

So as a sum of all this- We only made it to two train stations which is not even a pin drop of Tokyo but each time I go I enjoy just seeing all that is there and getting away from it after a while- there are so many people-WOW! But I had a glorious weekend with Annie- one of my many blessings this year! We just hung out and did whatever we wanted and Explored Japan the many aspects of Japan! Things in Japan are still great- I am really learning how to build relationships with the kids even without full ability to communicate! This is a new idea for me! I love it here- and continually enjoy the random rainy ride home as I laugh while I am completely soaked on my bike! It is a simple life here! I love it!

Remember: Why don't we all just stop using the term " May I come to your house" or "I'm coming" because when you learn a new language that is confusing. Just say "Ikimashow" That will be understood! And who really know if there is two or one m in coming- Only spell check! 


October 5, 2008

Shun chan- HAI!!!!!

Well, Konbanwa ya'll! Finally I have more pictures and updates. Things have become very much like real life here- work, sleep, eat and the like! Which is great! But this weekend I had the chance to go to another sports day! This is the season for sports days! My host family invited me to a day with their family! Shun is a three year old boy with so much energy- he is the grandson to my Japanese Mom! He goes to Nursery school and they had a sports day full of cute kids and fun things! Here are just a few pictures of the day! I got four videos just because these kids were just way to cute! So these kids were from age baby to 5 years old! 
This is called prep for the Olympics they are swinging on bars and doing flips- I was impressed! The gym teacher had them also do the Olympic "y" pose after finishing their flips! If you do not know what I mean please you tube some gymnastic bars routine and tell me what the "y" pose is! Reminder these kids are 4! 
Here is Shun- being a gold fish! They marched in and did a dance to a very famous artist in Japan he makes anamae films. It was so cute and hSun danced it up! 
Ok this may be the most ridiculous thing ever- so there are babies at this nursery- so I guess of course they have to do sports. But lets rethink this- babies doing sports- they do not walk! So basically we watched their parents do sports! This is what I would like to call-Extreme obstacle course- with a baby! Adults run a kid sized obstacle course while carrying a baby- its quite hilarious when the kids cant army crawl over a pile of blankets (Below) so the parent basically rolls them over! Is it needed yes but not so cool to watch! 

Below is a video I took while I was watching the opening ceremony! They were singing and dancing and standing in lines for a long time. I think these kids are very well behaved- they stook in these lines for about 45 mins during the opening ceremony (three years old to five years old) that is out of control! I loved just watching it! 

Over all, great day! Long day, I just about slept through all my classes on Monday because of all this excitement and cuteness! 

In other news, this weekend I plan on taking a trip to some place around Japan- not so close to Kofu! I have another Holiday!!!! So look forward to more updates and pictures soon! (hopefully no new injury reports- but so far so good!) I did get hit by a ping pong while watching the girls team today after school! (love ping pong). Well till we meet again!

Remember: when asked if you want a straw for your gallon of milk- just say yes! (that straw is going to be huge!) You could sit in the living room and drink the gallon of milk in the fridge! DONE
