Well, Konbanwa ya'll! Finally I have more pictures and updates. Things have become very much like real life here- work, sleep, eat and the like! Which is great! But this weekend I had the chance to go to another sports day! This is the season for sports days! My host family invited me to a day with their family! Shun is a three year old boy with so much energy- he is the grandson to my Japanese Mom! He goes to Nursery school and they had a sports day full of cute kids and fun things! Here are just a few pictures of the day! I got four videos just because these kids were just way to cute! So these kids were from age baby to 5 years old!

This is called prep for the Olympics they are swinging on bars and doing flips- I was impressed! The gym teacher had them also do the Olympic "y" pose after finishing their flips! If you do not know what I mean please you tube some gymnastic bars routine and tell me what the "y" pose is! Reminder these kids are 4!

Here is Shun- being a gold fish! They marched in and did a dance to a very famous artist in Japan he makes anamae films. It was so cute and hSun danced it up!

Ok this may be the most ridiculous thing ever- so there are babies at this nursery- so I guess of course they have to do sports. But lets rethink this- babies doing sports- they do not walk! So basically we watched their parents do sports! This is what I would like to call-Extreme obstacle course- with a baby! Adults run a kid sized obstacle course while carrying a baby- its quite hilarious when the kids cant army crawl over a pile of blankets (Below) so the parent basically rolls them over! Is it needed yes but not so cool to watch!
Below is a video I took while I was watching the opening ceremony! They were singing and dancing and standing in lines for a long time. I think these kids are very well behaved- they stook in these lines for about 45 mins during the opening ceremony (three years old to five years old) that is out of control! I loved just watching it!
Over all, great day! Long day, I just about slept through all my classes on Monday because of all this excitement and cuteness!
In other news, this weekend I plan on taking a trip to some place around Japan- not so close to Kofu! I have another Holiday!!!! So look forward to more updates and pictures soon! (hopefully no new injury reports- but so far so good!) I did get hit by a ping pong while watching the girls team today after school! (love ping pong). Well till we meet again!
Remember: when asked if you want a straw for your gallon of milk- just say yes! (that straw is going to be huge!) You could sit in the living room and drink the gallon of milk in the fridge! DONE
In the video, I especially like the guy's huge, bright yellow "w"s on his pockets!
The video is amazingly awesome!
45 minutes in a line! That's torture!
Holli- that is actually a girl- who is wearing those pants- but she was going for the most boyish look so you are right! the fashion here is "whatever you put on" it is crazy sometimes! But i love it!
Jacki- thank you! I have three more because I could not get over it!
Debra- yeah- I couldn't do it but these kids are AMAZING they listen and besides doing a few shakes every once in a while- they can sit still and they bow and at such a young age! I am impressed- but as they grow it changes and they become more like kids but I have been impressed with all the students babies to about 11 then they get to cool for school!! but that is normal!
Hey Molly! Loved the video and the kids singing! It was great! I have not been able get online to facebook at school, so I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever! I miss you! Hope we can talk soon! Love you-
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