March 17, 2009

A time to seek.....

So, for those who are following and praying for "The Bridge" as this month of awareness is upon us, I would humbly ask for a prayer. Last weeks runs were beautiful and a wonderful experience for me. As I gave of my talents. Well, after resting on Sunday and giving God all the glory- Mondays preparatory run for this Friday was interesting. I ran and then felt a twinge of pain in my knees. I haven't felt this before and realized that since I ran so much last week my body needed more repair time that I didn't give it and it said NO WAY. So I would ask for a healing prayer over my knees- so that I can run some on Friday. I will definitely be sacrificing time and prayer on Friday but am not sure how many miles I will be able to run. Is this defeat- as the devil would say-NO way! This is a time for me to find other talents that I can give- and if you feel the same as me and need to be reminded of other talents you can give to support "The Bridge" I would ask you to pray that God would reveal them to you! I am searching also this week! God is good and I believe he will heal me completely. To God be the Glory great things he has done! Thank you for your prayers for "The Bridge" and for me! Lets remember talents are many thing- from prayer, to cooking, to biking, to walking, to fasting...... and so on! Seek and ye shall find!!! 

Remember: 4 days till the rents come to Japan! Oh  that is for me- remember- uhmmmm family is sweet- you can't choose em but if you had the choice you would choose the same ones you have- even with the ups and downs!


1 Corinthians 12:28 

28And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Your parents are coming!
Enjoy the little touch of home this coming week. :)