By the Beach!
Monday May 4th- We were awoken by the most annoying happy song as we reached the first island. We were at the second island so we hoped to be able to fall right back to sleep after hearing this whistling toon that was too happy for about 500 am. BUT then what ensued burnt a deep dislike for birds of any kind but especially the happy ones who just won't leave you alone. As we lay there this CD of bird noises kept us awake and ruined any potential for sleep. Many were yelling- shut off the birds- but no one would listen (or maybe that is not what they were saying- it was in Japanese so I could have a bad translation-but I said it in English and hoped for results but saw none.) So that was ridiculous. Next our island 630m. We got off to the wonderful sun and crash of the Pacific Ocean on the beach. We were met by our host- Mr. Watanabe (or whatever his name was this name is like the Mr smith of Japan so i chose it) and we were whisked away to the house to which we had a room. (And side note- my name translated MA-RRY CHEESU- to which I received a relief laugh when I told him my name was KEESU not CHEESU- so he insisted to call me CHESSU san- I loved it!). Then we changed into our beach wears and headed out. WE rented their biked for 500 yen (5 dolla a day) and we were give no LOCKS- that is how great these bikes were. They had huge tires but short seats- to short for me too- and the rust was deep. It was FABULOUS! with a YOSH we headed to find the beach- Not knowing we would have the best leg workouts to find the beach! We road around the beaches for a while looking for people or something- there were no people on the beach- HWHAT? but we found a ONSEN- public bath (swimsuits one) and took a dive into warm onsen water to start the day and the tans/ burns. We met some sweet people and just enjoyed the sun for a few hours before traveling to find dinner. (side note while at this onsen there were many places with lot of rocks and Angela became our Little Hawaiian Mermaid, Annie- our Sunscreen Queen, and ME- well more like the lover of bugs.
The wonderful view- reminded us of Jurassic Park.
Tuesday and Wed- May 5th and 6th. It rained both days but did that stop us- well not really! We went out on the bikes and soaked ourselves on Tuesday to get out and shop around a little and then enjoy some sweet games of Scrabble- and meeting more gaijin who came for the island but who got rain instead. Then we went back to this liquor shop where we got all our supplies- just kidd'n- we got ice cream everyday- great softo creamu- banilla- and bdu beddy- sugoi! BUt the second day we walked in and got ice cream and THEN THERE WAS THE SPIDER- I am not one who can deal with spiders well and this one was over the size of my hand! You might be thinking- seriously as big as your hand- But truth be told- It was! there will be pics up by some friends soon that is the pics of it- CRAZY SCARRY! I was creeped and kinda nauseated while eating my ice ice for the day trying not to face it- grosss. I believe it was greenish brown and just chilling on the wall- but after one look I couldn't think about it any more. Why was it there- the man said- it takes care of the bugs- SERIOUSLY GET A CAGE FOR THAT- creeper! AHHH I am actually writing this part from my couch and have my feet elevated kinda waiting to get this done- Ok I am done- no bad dreams tonight!
Cold on the ferry weathering the wind!
But other than that- we met some cool people on the last few days. The owners of the pension were this sweet family who opened up their house for visitors. Its their business. They were so cute and offered us everything. They cooked two meals where we ate with the other guests and just ate family style-it was great. I felt like they were our family! Also the other guests we said things like hello to but one couple had this little bitty girl who would just stare at us and then when she ate was so CUTE, oh my it was the high light of my day to see her and watch her interact with her family! CUTE! Then we had the surfer dudes- a group of three high school boys- oh wait they were in college ( i must have taken them at their attitude-hehe) but no they actually were not that bad. At first they were the ridiculous boys who try to speak English just to draw attention to themselves but really just make fools of themselves, but after bearing the ridiculousness at the end I did play a reasonable game of Scrabble with them- and they turned out to be less ridiculous but they were still pretty surfer stereotypical! ( it happens in Cali and Japan). Any who, this was wed- we chilled for a while enjoying breakfast, and just packing up. and killing the last of the mosquitoes that bugged us in our room- we had so many bugs in there and wondered where they came from- frustration. And just playing scrabble then heading to the ferry. IT was so windy and so many people! WOW. They were just lying all over the stairs and open floor wherever they could. We were glad to have the bunk rooms just to get away from everyone but it was kinda fun seeing all the people just chilling together. We just walked all over that ferry singing, being blown around and rained on- basically just enjoying being wet and smelling like a wet dog! The ride home was more rough than going to the island but it was a fun ride! The views were great! We also saw some of our friends (or people we have said hi to) and it was kinda like- hey I know you- that is cool! so many surf boards. SWEET.
At the Onsen- Filling in tan lines.
so you could say this was a sweet trip what a great time! We all just laughed- watched ridiculous Japanese TV variety shows showcasing random acts, walking, biking, some sun burns, and just being together! SUGOI! IT was a great trip to the Island off the Island.
Ferry pics
Remember: The color purple and green are reserved for a big dino that loves many people. Don't put it on a coat and wear it.
We slept in these caskets/beds
Real surfers
ps If you were wondering we did get the stares that said- AMERICANS- they may have the swine flu...... We just coughed and moved on... (not to be offensive but it has been ridiculous here)....