Cruise Ship we took (well called a ferry but the closest thing I have been on that looks like a cruise ship!)

Tokyo Skyline! from the ferry
The ferry was full of people- if you didn't by a ticket with a bed you got the ground (which was the same as a bed- you will see) Kinda reminded me of the 1700's cruise ships- sleeping on the poop deck.

Our beds- basically carpeted floor and a solid brick shaped pillow
My bunk- Japanese style! How come I was the only one who could fit into them??
ON the subway in Tokyo- NO swine flu getting on this subway!
Our Jolly White Giant- thanks for the track suit Adeng- We love it!
My Army tattoo, Its REAL.... thanks Madeline!
Angela reads like a mad woman- thus she sleeps like a mad woman too
While it rains the slumber party starts! Nails first!
Crazy pictures- we always do this- it is great!
Too much Rain!
Who can read a peanut clock? NOt ME!
Ok we were so bored at one time we watched this anime show about a boy who turned into a bird and fought other birds...
WE fought bugs all week- I have about 15 bug bites all over- from head to toe.
Our food at the Pension/hostel- It was AMAZING! HOME cooking please. This is sashimi- raw fish- delish!
this was a fish- not sure what it was but IT WAS my FAV of all the meals!
More sashimi boats- raw fish!
EATING- family style! It was so great!

Last I can't believe I am doing this- This is the spider I was talking about- I can't stand it- GROSS. IT was huge- if you need to take care of bugs then get a monkey! (ps it made me gag on my Ice Cream- what a jerk!)
US getting ready to board- this pic proves- rain or shine- it is not the weather that dictates the vacation but the wonderful friends you have..

Angela and コーヒー (coffee) milk I had. She doesn't like coffee but I do. Also if you look at the man on the poster- we see him everywhere- and if you look close Angela does look Japanese- man I captured Japan in one pic!

Scrabble please- I take my tiles everywhere. This vacation we even played a game with some Japanese surfers- and they won- (we are loosing out English).
Remember: ..the word- Juxtaposition- love it use it...
pertaining to the spider...
i've seen bigger...
Losing your English!!! Get home FAST!!!
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