September 16, 2009

Nothing like being a mom to make you scrub floors...

Simple truths:

- Being a mother is a lot of work. Lately I have had the privilege of picking up and dropping off a wonderful preschooler due to sickness in the family (mom and brother). She is a perky little girl who likes purple and bring goofy (right up my alley). I have enjoyed this time to take care of children but am taught a lesson in being a mom (well one that can drop off the kids after school). The talking all the time (which i love no doubt i was a kid like that), the need to pee all the time or check to see, and just being a servant to another- it is a great practice.

Do you have wash cloth/ rag? Do you have hands and knees? - Why use the not so simple "simple" floor mops (no matter the size of you floors). Seriously- if you get down there- you see the dirt coming off you can scrub away the gross germs and grim. Its so rewarding. (also could be a side affect of being a pretend mom this week but it felt good!

Are you living generously? Being generative?
I was asked that on Sunday and have been seeking ways to be generative- the act of- (PS it's more than money!).

Remember: that if you need some diamond earrings I know a little girl who would love to give them to someone's mom-because they would love them!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been part of a 3 person crew on hands and knees scrubbing the boys bathroom floor in the dining hall. Oh so nasty... and oh so rewarding!