California handicap regulations for acquiring a handicap parking tag are for those who with any of many and varied, permanently disabling conditions. (http://www.scribd.com/doc/208894/San-Francisco-City-Government-Courts-Disabled-Parking-Report). Since most of the disabilities are permanent the tags hold a permanent value they are a permanent tag but reissued every two years to account for changes, such as death. For non-permanent disabilities a red card is given but has a six month reissuance. With this I shall resume..... (No not another word- which reminds me of the piece of nice paper which I send to countless schools hoping for a bit and getting....patience).
To continue (a reminder- third trimester pregnant ladies- handicap parking), I think bill goes to show how ridiculous America is and our laziness. First, you may say- hey "just a guz" writer you are a female would you not hollaback girl for one of those closer parking spots? I say thank you Gwen Stefani I would go for it sure. But there just is one question of mine- Can America remember who the handicapped are? We offer so many handicap stickers/tags, the people who need those spots have to fight for them or park farther away. What is the meaning of a permanent handicap- is it third trimester mothers?
The other day I was at a store and I saw something which seemed to anger me. There was a man who parked in a handicapped spot with a handicap tag and when he got out he jogged to the store. What made me mad? Not that he was able to jog or even get a great parking spot but the thought that this man might have not needed that tag and he just took advantage of the person who needed it or another who might need it more. (I am not saying that this man didn't deserve it because he was running, younger, or didn't seem handicapped) but that I know there are many people who do abuse the right to simply own a handicapped sticker. Is our need for convenience hurting those who actually have the right to get some help?
What does this have to do with this bill? (Just a clarification- I have never been pregnant my idea of pregnancy comes from those who I know and what they say). Is pregnancy being handicapped for nine months or even the last trimester? What happened before we became lazy culture? Women who were pregnant either walked where they wanted stayed home or got help? From what I have heard- for pregnancy- exercise is very beneficial. (Let alone for everyone). If you are immobile from pregnancy you should not go anywhere anyway. What does this new bill propose- closer parking for ladies in their last trimester, so they don't have to walk the extra few steps to get into establishments like everyone else- If you are struggling that much with hauling a purse, extra children, or being mobile while pregnant- ask for help, reconsider what sacrifices you will make for children, or don't have children. This seems harsh- but I am for sure that if California does pass this- which I do not foresee- that some women- would jump on the fact to have the parking spot closes to the mall just for the last three months of pregnancy. If you decide to be pregnant than don't complain when your back hurts from walking keep doing it, it is good for you. Cali don’t give allowance to everyone keep it under one circumstance at a time- or the laziness will shine and people who really need the spots will have to fight a fight they should not have to fight.
Last thought- if we allow pregnancy to be a handicap, there will be a rush of handicaps tags for bad hair cuts, bad sunburn, and pets with dissabilites. Until next time: Free handicap tags come get them!
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