July 4, 2008

So this is the beginning......

While Just a Guz starts to transition into  a new blog style we are trying out many avenues of blogging- advertisements, endorsements, news, style, typing upside down, and such. This is the first addition to the new blog- Just A Guz: of Japan. This will dive into the Japanese culture and all that Just a Guz learns from Japan. Japan is a sweet country from what I have researched (or had my 5th grade writing class research for me!). I will fill you in here soon with all the basic information about the country so you will be enlightened to the fact of a new country and culture. 
As far as progress, A plane ticket was just purchased (making the trip seem more real- when you put a dollar amount on it). Also I just filled out my visa papers and need to get them sent in. Other than that- not much but this is a huge step to what is going to happen soon. Not much has happened here since I was hired for the position so any movement creates life to this journey! So just an update- August 5 in counting! So enjoy the Fourth of July- celebrate and don't eat to many sparklers.

Remember- Sparklers are hot even though they look so cool!


1 comment:

Bryan said...

I know I've said this before, but I'm envious...