This is a faithful narrative of all my dealings with Tokyo. I shall not reinstate my prior sentiments about .... ok to much Pride and Prejudice!
This past weekend, We had another Holiday- a celebration of Sports meaning a three day weekend! Because of this Annie and I decided to go on a trip of sorts. It was either Atami- a beach or Tokyo. Well because of the cooler weather (75-80) we felt the beach would be better next summer. So Tokyo here we come!

These pics are actually out of order but really who know but me- and now you I mean... what is happening to the art of surprise? Well any who, this is actually one pic of Annie and I after our day in Tokyo. Who would not feel this way- millions of people, shopping, and 6 hours on a train! SKULLS!
Well we happened upon a Mac store in Tokyo and I decided to trick out my Mac (not McDonalds for you from Japan who think Mac is McDonalds (Macodonoaldos in Japanese) with some safety features- like white covers for my hand rests, a keyboard cover, and this handy mixing table- you know safety- for those occasional call from a local club who needs my American mixing skills~ I am just saying- just in case! hence safety features!!!!!
(DJ MO mixing it up~ who doesn't want this at a party).

So while we were shopping we found some interesting ( an over used word in Japan) food venues. This one was called Razzleberry. It had its own themed music- in English, own ice cream flavors, and a pink studded leather trash can! So we stopped to see what was on the menu- well you can choose three sizes cute, sexy, and glamorous. WELL.... I would like one Glamorous Razzleberry ice creamu please! I stood there and could not handle it- to much pink- and to many great ideas. Here is one- try to order anything using this sweet size chart~ I would like a double cheeseburger, and one Mountain Dew please, Yeah make that a glamorous Mountain Dew please!
So lunch hit us a little late but we wanted to check out a new place. So we chose one that looked decent. (side note- most food establishments in Japan have a front window which serves as a menu- of plastic foods which represent what they have- so even if you do not speak Japanese well you can order!!! Its sweet!) So we stopped at this Soup ya- Soup shop! I had some clam chowder curry, and Annie had some "hamburger" curry (or that is what it tasted like!) It was great and we ate so fast because we were hungry from all the shopping!

So we get off the train in Shinjuku one of the more busy stations and first hear the sound of a marching band- we followed our ears to this parade for Sports Day! It was a great taste of home! I missed the sound of a great brass band- and their marching was great!

SO this is what I call a busy intersection! Shibuya is the Times Square of Tokyo- and Annie and I were situated at the huge Starbucks right above this intersection! there is a road under all the people - a four lane intersection from all directions! It was huge. This was when the "walking" light turned red- i would say the people own this sections. Once I saw a car not make the red light turn and had to stop while all these people walked around it. They ate up that car and spit em out! It was great!

Ahh this is the Starbucks we were sitting at in the prior picture! It is so hard to get seats to that window but we did it!

I would have to say this is the most glamorous person I saw in Tokyo- I had Annie fake a picture of me to catch her- she turned right as we took the pic but... Her hair was in a gorgeous french twist ( not the banana clip kind) and had on a tailored white coat to and a little day cocktail dress on and I wish you could see her shoes! I just loved seeing all the fashion here in Tokyo- so many great ideas and so many things you would never try ever!!!!!
So as a sum of all this- We only made it to two train stations which is not even a pin drop of Tokyo but each time I go I enjoy just seeing all that is there and getting away from it after a while- there are so many people-WOW! But I had a glorious weekend with Annie- one of my many blessings this year! We just hung out and did whatever we wanted and Explored Japan the many aspects of Japan! Things in Japan are still great- I am really learning how to build relationships with the kids even without full ability to communicate! This is a new idea for me! I love it here- and continually enjoy the random rainy ride home as I laugh while I am completely soaked on my bike! It is a simple life here! I love it!
Remember: Why don't we all just stop using the term " May I come to your house" or "I'm coming" because when you learn a new language that is confusing. Just say "Ikimashow" That will be understood! And who really know if there is two or one m in coming- Only spell check!
1 comment:
Good TOKYO blog. You make me smile! Good job! Love ya!
OH- ps- riding home in the rain is definitly a reality check- we are living in Japan, without cars. Ah the simple life! :)
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