October 14, 2008

A Panda, A Peacock, and A Set of Red Cranes

Hello again. I have a story to share one which must be told and must be heard! Well as usual I walk into the teachers room to sit after class. I rest my legs and take out something to work on like Japanese, or Time magazine, or I check my email! Well, today I was surprised. I came in after my second class and say this beautiful origami panda holding bamboo stick. I thought- is this mine? Or maybe the other person who shares my desk- well I thought- it is in the middle of my table top so it must be mine! I sat and starred for while in awe- this was made with delicate hands and for me- how nice. I placed it at the top of my desk and went to class number three. After that class I found a pink peacock on my desk. After this I had to find out who was giving me these beautiful works of art. Ms. Naito- one of my English teachers said that a first grade boy made these for me- he hangs out in the nurses room because he has some heart problems. So he has become a master at origami. So I went to find this boy and thank him for his beautiful work. He was such a nice kid and then gave me the red cranes in front ( these are all from the SAME piece of paper that is why they are connected) HAWHAT? I was in awe again (awe #2)! WOW I am going to go into that room sometime and have him teach me how to do this- it is amazing! I was so blessed by this boy- to get such a beautiful gift on my desk in the middle of the day! WOW (below is my reaction- anything that was wrong was completely erased!) 

Remember: There is something to be said for breaking the language barrier through actions- even if little is said there is still a complete understanding! 



anniemcinnis said...

Those are all from the same piece of paper??? Thats incredible! This kid is a master! You should def. get some lessons from him! And so true- actions do speak louder than words!

Jackie said...

What a cool story!

Holli said...

I remember making a jumping frog in elementary school. No where near the complicatedness/coolness of those!

MOlly said...

I actually tried to make the frog the other day- cuz i made those too in elementary school. It was a failure and I didn't impress him at all! Oh well I guess i just need to learn!