December 26, 2008

Random Banter 2!

So it is after Christmas and I am still at work. I am enjoying a peppermint chocolate latte though thanks to a wonderful gift of peppermint coco! But I have just experienced a few thing to which I can not leave to myself.

As I was reading my daily word of the day from Merriam Webster, I saw this add and it struck me with such force it took me about 5 mins to recoup and to explain in Japanese why I was on the floor. It said click here if you want to win a free green card. Come to the US everyone is welcome! (this sound like the movie The Island.) if you haven't seen it this is not an ad to watch it. WOW I went through most emotions you would feel in a comedic/ horror film- those do not come out very much so if you do not understand just imagine! Again, BEhhhhh? Free green card- they had people form all over the world on this ad and it was sad, funny, but random. Sad because many people who want green cards can't get them yet this site is "giving" them away. How Ironic- lets let that one set in..... and if you need one try this site maybe this time you will be chosen!

Well just for clarification, I do not go about reading the dictionary for just any reason. It is not my free reading book or at no time will you hear the words "oh free time Let's get the dictionary!" But to this I say I am a sucker for language and SCRABBLE. So anyway I can keep sweet words flowing in my head the better chance i have to spell the quintessential word on the board! Lately some faves are vex, furcation, speculation, fruition, grapple, collage (always a fav), maverick, merry textmas (using texts for Christmas greetings), tomodachi (friend in Japanese- man I need to study! So for the most part I am pretty ridiculous but love Scrabble. Maybe I will make Scrabble my hobby-(in Japan you can only have one and it is what you spend all your time doing.) 

You would think I could get away from ugly Christmas sweaters in Japan. Well, not get away but maybe see less of them- well NOT TRUE! They are the RAGE now! From the Christmas sweater dress to the Christmas sweater boots wow I feel the need to get one just because I see it everywhere! To only feel this in the states! well maybe not and commercialism is kinda getting to me but Oh the possibilities! They are endless. with a bright future in casual suits with tennis shoes! 

Well this must be the season for blogging because I will be pumping out many here soon! So please enjoy this!

Remember: Even when you are a week behind your blog it is still worth publishing- who knows who will enjoy it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does Debra enjoy your blog?: check!