May 1, 2009

Things are happening.....

Random thoughts before lunch....

Golden Week is quickly approaching- the week- or 4 days that most of Japan travels- kinda the big even that gets people out and about- thus there is a raise in prices of everything as well as more people just being out- which in and of its self would just be more stressful- due to so many people living here anyway! (sorry long run on). SO what am I doing? Well of course I am traveling to an island off the main island for more beach time- and hopefully to scare a few Japanese people with getting a tan (here that is so bad). Any who, We are going to a place called- Nijima- it is more touristy but a wonderful spot to get away from the hussle and bussle of life here and have time with my family here! We are going from Sunday- on a ferry for 8 hours- till Wednesday. I am totally ready to go now but have about 6 hours of sitting here doing nothing till I can go get ready! But any who I will update with pics and news after I return. 

Two, the pig flu is the main topic of conversation lately because of the severity and the travel plans of so many people. This Golden Week is usually planned for about 1 year in advance so a huge plan. the travel plans of many people are changing. Many are not traveling outside of the Country and staying close- which is very rare for this time. Many are still planning to leave the country but are under very strict education of how to not get sick and not bring it back. If there was ever a person to get the flu here (which there is one prefecture who has it- a person from Canada brought it) then they shut down the schools till it is worked through. This could be a very scary thing- just as it is in the USA now. I have been praying heavily for the safety of people around the world who have this flu and for the speedy making of a anti-virus shot or vaccine. But God is still on his thrown and because of that He will take care of his own. I believe God is above this and will help us through this. 

Any who, Happy May Day. This is the day which signifies the great spring weather that will be coming and the happy green earth that we have. As far as Japan it is very green and warm but the states- looks like rain- but that April rain brings May flowers! (that is ridiculous) any who Happy May day- I have been making various origami flowers for my teachers to celebrate this uncelebrated holiday. I would rather have baskets of popcorn and candy to give out but with limited popcorn and baskets I shall turn to the endless supply of origami paper to fulfill this celebration. I think the tulip is the choice of flower for it is way easier than an iris and my big fingers can handle it! 

Next, I want to address my lack of ability to write good blogs- yet my want to do so. I am sorry GOMENE- to those who have stopped reading my blog due to the lack of interest they ensue. I have wanted to write something but have just been so random I need to focus my thoughts. AHHHH. Sorry and please write in and tell me what I should write about... I need to do more about Japan.... that will come especially after Golden Week.... Or maybe about how this morning I put my coffee in a thermos that had soup in it last night and so the end of my coffee was much like a soup smoothy- yet because of my determination to drink my coffee and not leave anything out- I downed it like there was no tomorrow (as Napoleon would say- GROSS), or how I tried to out run the train today as I usually do on Fridays but got stopped by it and thus had to bike like a crazy person to make it to a meeting which I do not understand anything that is happening ever but if I am late, looks bad, or how there was a pigeon that joined my lesson this morning staring in the window which thus- distracted the students to the point that one threw something at it to get it away from the window, or how there is a meeting or something this after noon but I am completely lost to what is happening but have to stay here for like 5 hours just sitting here typing and just enjoying the breeze- yet my legs fall asleep from sitting here- and the impatience of my self wanting to jump out the window and just run free saying- EHHHHHH? well other than that- my blogs seem just to random for the common good- so I ask- what would you want to hear about??? What would interest you (based on my circumstances and lack of writing ability- let me know so I can interest you.

Rememeber: It is a pretty desperate blogger to have to ask the audience for help- but I have come to that point- So please help me.



Jim Ellis said...

3 things you should write about:

1. something dealing with a moped
2. why t shirts are cooler than v neck shirts
3. why pink is a dumb color for boys

those are my only thoughts.

and yes, i did look around the room to come up with those ideas.

idea #1 came from me mlooking at my bike
#2 came from the shirt i am wearing (not a v neck)
#3 came from a food clip that is pink


Anonymous said...

As long as your blog post are random- they're good Molly posts. :)