December 5, 2008

abcdefghijk mnopqrstuvwxyz.........

May I brag a little- This is my sisters tree! Rock it girl!

Herro! My name is Tomoya. I like to run. Do you like to run? How is the weather? Nice to meet you! Your Friend- Tomoya. 

So today's topics will be of a variety of brainwaves and will encompass a huge yama (mountain) of nashi (pears) (hence put them together and you get yamanashi- where i live- hehe) Ikimashow- Let's Go:

First: I just finished my first All English- my teacher wasn't here so she said you get to do whatever you want to do all in English- class. We extended their ability to introduce themselves and created letters to send to America. As I was the only one who was in control of the class and I wrote a few Japanese phrases to help me out- It went really well. I thought there would be utter chaos and there would be a rampage of little Japanese children running around the room saying HERRO HERRO MORRY TEACHER. That was not the case-  I used my scary teacher eye (that I got from my DAD) and my limited Japanese to effectively teach.... well tell them about sending letter to America. While some of the letters will look very similar to one to which was "written" to me by my friend Madeline (sorry I had to use a name and wanted it to be interesting and she lives in California which they felt was so cool!). So needless to say, a good majority of students chose to opt for the I will copy the teachers letter and sign my name on it route but A good few did  a great job of writing an original work. To this I say- SUGOI! I was so excited! I loved reading them. Any who, it was worthwhile and I think we both learned something. Also I knew enough Japanese to help most of the students and some students helped me so much! I felt so good! It was fun! Now I get to do this 3 more times! How great! I expect only more interesting things to come!

Second: It is raining in Japan. Document this- it is December 5th (or fiveth as students would say), and it is raining. Samui desu- it is cold but raining. So strange to me. The temperature has been so warm lately I haven't needed to wear so many layers- I hope it stays like this for a while... but I can only hope!

Third:  I just got thermals from the rents- thanks they are much needed. Also, I got some window coverings to keep out the cold. I thought yeah this will be so easy and no problem. I have three windows and a door with an opening on it! Well it turned out to be quite the ordeal. I got the smaller window up with little problem since it was small but the huge window like that time I tackled and wrassled myself a codfish in the Indian river. I got the tape on but didn't have anyone to help hold the wax paper so the wax paper kept getting stuck and and I had to stand on a chair which had wheels on tatami which is not the most level and then when i got it on it was too cold outside so when i wanted to seal it with a hairdryer I also needed my personal halogen light heater beside me to warm up the wax and on and on. But I did get it done and my apato (apt) is so much warmer than before. Ok that is a lie because we do not have insulation so it is not warmer but leaks less! So thank you for the paper and hope this never happens to you..

Fourth: as far as the stolen bike- it is not back yet! It is still missing and I am using a children sized bike from Kamijo. ( which fits me well because I can finally stop my bike and stay seated on the seat (otherwise it is too tall and I have to get off every time). You would think this would not be such a problem in Japan but there is somethings to a granny bike that I will never understand- chopper handles and huge tires!But you gotta love the kid bikes! Mine is now maroon with flames on the side - or will soon have them ( I think nail polish will work). But any who all is well on the Japanese ghetto side- I am no longer fighting the gangs for street time! 

Fourth: The children do not drink milk during the winter because it is so cold outside which means a combo of milk and instant coffee on my desk! HOLLA

Thanks for listening to the ramblings of Just a Guz they were brought to you buy Wakki Wakki- a chocolate treat that you can eat while you walk! 

Remember: When you see a piece of gum under railing it is not free candy! (love that movie)



Amanda said...

katy's christmas tree is pretty spectacular....must admit. i'm glad that your first all-english, all-alone teaching day went so well! just curious - what color are you going to paint the flames??

Anonymous said...

You used the word "wrassled"! 10 points for you, Miss Keese! :)

Jackie said...

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

I also LOVE that movie!