December 1, 2008

Bike-less in Japan

Hello from the kerosene smelling room of Kamijo Jr. High School. The preferred heating system used in Japan is kerosene which is quite cost effective but not smell effective. As of now, I believe I am high off of these fumes, I feel tingly on my finger types and I crave Cheetos. Well, I always crave Cheetos so that is nothing new!-(plus even more since the "Cheetos" here taste sweet not cheesy). I have a few updates which to me are quite relevant and non-negotiable to the public justice systems in Japan.

First, to my not-so-unnatural surprise, I grow hair on my legs. I know this is very unheard of and should never be blogged on... Well, I began to grow this hair in November or (late October) and finally reminded myself that this growth was no longer natural about December 1 (today). This was quite the easy excursion for the cooler weather forces even the warmest of people to bundle into so many layers that nothing but your nose shows. Thus I "forgot" this bite of hygiene.  Well, this takes me back to my college years (7 months ago), where this male dorm would do what is called a no-shave-November. This was practiced by many a male and female who dare to be different and feel the fir. Well, much to anyone's surprise- An Ego no Sensei in Japan still upholds this timeless event. you may question the maturity of this Sensei- a grown women not shaving her legs? Well (shout out to the women) you all do it too! I just chose to document it. So here is a few documentary pictures to prove this most honored experience. (warning these next pictures are not for the skweemish!)

Second, much to NOT my surprise again- I had a new experience in Japan. One to which few can boast... Watashi no jidensha was stolen- My bike was stolen. Well, after my good luck with riding the bike and getting a new one! WOW what to my surprise as I woke and walked outside to run but my bike spot was empty. I had both keys to my bike and that means it was locked. So, without any sweet digs I shall be walking to most places- and will not be able to do near as much as before. Oh my experiences! Thankfully I can laugh and enjoy a shorter walk to school due to my switching schools to the closer school. Or I would have to walk about 40 mins to school. Oh well funny story! Breaking news- I just found out that there are no extra bikes now so I will be bikeless for a week or so till they find it or get a new one. I will miss lessons this week and may have to spend long hours walking to places or getting a ride in a taxi- oh well!

Third, and most exciting is the most recent new I have just found out- the Vikings won against the Chicago Bears. MEANING they are number ONE in their division. This does not mean that they are fantastic or even really good (based on their division) but with their most recent past-the past two years of transition and painful loses, they seem to be heading in the right direction- towards the super bowl! I am so proud of them and glad they dominated. 34-14! What a great day!

To this day I say- What a new journey. Maybe this even more slowing down of my life will encourage some needed reflection on what life is like in a new light! When conveniences are taken out and language is all you have.

Remember: Kerosene is quite potent no one light a candle. 



Amanda said...

I'm sorry to hear that your bike got stolen! So sad...

This post (the part about your legs anyway) made me laugh! A bunch of the guys in my section have been growing these really horrible mustaches...impressive, but the kind of mustache you don't see often outside some horrible 70s cop movie. I told them about No Shave November and I think that just egged 'em on! :)

Glad to hear that life in Japan is continuing to go well for you! My Taiwanese friend told me the other day that I should take my next vacay in Japan and it made me think of you!

God bless!

anniemcinnis said...

FIRST- your legs look AWESOME... too bad you shaved, I wanted to enter you in a pet contest...
SECOND- Holla to the kerosene high- I'm totally buzzin!
THIRD- praise God you've recieved a donor bike since this blog! You have such a good attitude about it! I'm so proud.
and FOURTH- I just love you- thats all!! :)

Anonymous said...

Bike bandits better be busted!
(In case you can't tell- we're working on alliteration in KinderKids this month!)