December 7, 2008

HAMU, IESUKUREAMU... I want to by a vowel, can I buy a mu?

Well folks, It is that time of year again. When the rain falls, and people play tennis in outdoor courts! EHHHH? (for those of you who understand- that is the Japanese sound for what?) Yes, that is my fate for this year- 40 degree weather and rain in December. It is very weird to think that it is going to be like this- no snow- or very little, and cold rain! But thought the outdoors are quite un-IOWA Christmas like, I shall create for you a piece of Christmas in my apato.

You know when you don't have lots of nick nacks you some how make them... wrong I know..
Yes, I decided today, Sunday December 7th to venture into the beautiful weather and get some warming devices and more Christmas Decorations! They are very few but there are some so I went to explore my area. but first- after waking and cleaning out my apartment for a pre-Christmas Decoration ritual, I found my back tire of my borrow bike- completely flat. So It was sorta flat last night but today was completely flat- I love the idea of biked but not the ridiculousness of them. So I walked my bike to get air and then there was a popping noise- and the man went on to tell me- that I should get a new tire. (from what I understood- which was a good click of it). Well I asked where should I go- and he did direct me and I understood- crazy! So I went and using three words asked for a new tire and right then and there they did it and it cost somewhat of 40 dolla which for the price of  walking everywhere and not having a bike was pretty good! So I got it fixed and decided to take this new Bridgestone tire out for a spin.

I found a Nativity at the store! YEAH!
So, I went on a little Kokubo travel. I hense passed buy a Lawsons- a convinie as we would say- and peddled past the MAKONODONARUDO's ( yeah guess what that is) and turned to the big bridge. This bridge is a part of my short runs. I run to this bridge and hence pant up the stairs on the side to the top and then across and down and back and well you know the drill! So I got up and over with my bike- because they have sweet middle ramps on the stairs. These are fun to run up but some people bike down them and wow I still haven't gotten up enough guts to try!! Kinda steep if you ask me. Anywho I found my way to the D2 (not DQ as my dad would have it) and found myself a very small humidifier which uses a water bottle as the water reservoir. It is so cute- I want to take it home to the US but it says only to use in Japan-what is that? Any who found a few Christmas decs and some sweet Charlie Brown Japanese cards. (when you think Christmas you think Charlie brown don't you! I DO!). And then I got this hot water bottle, which is all the rage in Japan- the "we do not use central heating or cooling so we use as many objects to keep us warm as possible) between layers, hot water bottles and those hand warmer things- wow we all look like Eskimos! Any who it will find its way into the bottom of my bed as a pre-bed time warmer! SO D2 was successful! My bike basket was quite full!

Then on to Joy Mall (which by the way there are three by me- and they are very similar to Des Moines malls- def have a Merle Hay, Valley West and Jordan Creek style mall! so much like home). Anywho I went to Jordan Creek- I mean Joy Mall and approached the biggest DAISO ever- the Dolla store! Dolla stores are huge here! They have everything you ever need! Plus its a dolla who would not get something? Any who I was searching for some tea, and a few Christmas decs! And then it hit me like a car hitting a bike- a black tree?? yeah they have them here- not sure why but really that is not what hit me like a child realizing they have to go to the bathroom- a 90 cm Christmas tree for 462 en (yen) Like 5 dolla! WHAT? my little puny tree at home was not looking so great to this grandeur. So out of no where I grabbed it and some more Christmas ornaments and bolted! SO I got out side and was about ready to head back home to set this winter wonderland up and then I remembered- I was just at D2 and had a full basket- AHH! Thank goodness for bungee cords I roped myself a full basket and strapped the tree on the back of my bike and hauled that thing home!  and this is the outcome! KAWAI.

It is nothing compared to my sister's but inside I feel so much at home. I love this little tree- I get so much joy out of decorating the tree and bossing anyone around who does not do it like I want it (just ask the family!). I was completely free to decorate it how I wanted- I didn't have anyone to boss around- kinda missed that but it turned out wonderful! And Mom- after looking at this picture I did move that smaller green one around and switched a few of the glossy bulbs that were too close- no worries!).

What a wonderful home- like feeling- my favorite thing to do during Christmas is to come home and turn on the Christmas tree and sit in the dark and just relax and look at it! (lame but true)

Here is a little of what the new arrangement looks like- more home-y I think. Also, I like the dissonance  I feel since the rug is not straight and the table is shifted- no joke it is a sweet feeling!

Ok. This was the tree I had at first- and really is this enough? NO! And if you haven't noticed- I have used all of these wonderful mini-quilts my grandmother made for me to take as gifts- as perfect decor for christmas. OK I promise to give them away but it is hard- they are sweet!

OK I couldn't find garland so I opted for ribbon and these snow flakes that were left for me! I think it is kinda sweet- just more Christmas please!

So as you see, though I may step out into sunshine for Christmas- and work- I can still come home and find a bit of Christmas just like I would have at my home in the US. What a great feeling of home! I just wanted to share this with all of you! It made me remember Christmas and home! Also, in classes now I am teaching Christmas lessons and can freely say JESUS as much as possible- so we talk about him all the time! LOVE IT! What a great feeling of release- no worrying about rules or being fired for believing what our founding father believed in. (kinda strange that that happens!) Well, from this side of the world I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas Holiday! Please do not get caught up in the rush and business of Christmas to not take time to remember Jesus and him being a gift to all of us! 

Remember: Why want more for Christmas when you get to wake up everyday and Glorify God with your life! 



Anonymous said...

I was really hoping for a photo of you riding down the street with that HUGE tree bungeed to the back!
Great post. :)

Amanda said...

Me too! I'm very impressed with your decorations! I'm allergic to Christmas trees (such a tragedy) and went looking for a small fake one for my apt and the smallest, cheapest one was like $45 (and not worth that!) no tree for me this year but I'm compensating with an evergreen candle on my candlewarmer. Not quite the same...

MOlly said...

I actually thought about it- but when I finally got back to my place all I wanted was to get the bundle up the four flights of steps I had to go up! I will draw you a pic and post it! Sorry!

MOlly said...

I actually thought about it- but when I finally got back to my place all I wanted was to get the bundle up the four flights of steps I had to go up! I will draw you a pic and post it! Sorry!