April 30, 2009

Thought from Oswald....and God

Lately I have been struck by reading Oswald chambers. He is quite the author of words from God. I think a lot of what he says speaks to me through the word of God. His words are better written than mine so I shall scape to his words- Just a Guz of Oswald and God- (some are just verses that have touched me lately.)

-The foundations from which love flow are in God, not in us.- Oswald.

-Foundations of His love are in the Holy Spirit.-Oswald

-If we try to prove to God how much we love Him, it is a sure sign that we really don’t love Him. The evidence of our love for Him is the absolute spontaneity of our love, which flows naturally from His nature within us. And when we look back, we will not be able to determine why we did certain things, but we can know that we did them according to the spontaneous nature of His love in us. The life of God exhibits itself in this spontaneous way because the fountains of His love are in the Holy Spirit.-Oswald Chambers

-Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.-(Psalms 37:4).

-Gideon (Judges 6-8): 6:17-Gideon replied, "If now I have found favor in your eyes give me a sign that is it really you talking to me." 

-Judges 6:39- Then Gideon said to God, "Don't be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece. This time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew. 40-That night God did so.... (Feel the closeness of the relationship between Gideon and God).

-Fun--"Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink."-God (watch who watched you drink water from a stream who knows if you will be separated because of it!). 

-James- all of it...

Remember: Do you lap water or kneel down to drink? Someone may be watching.


April 27, 2009

Have you ever indulged in burnt blueberry bagels?

Just for a wonderful update on life I choose the personal narrative style of repeating the wonders of the day to those of you who care enough to take a guz of this semi-lame blog....

So today started as it usually does with the sun. Lately the lack of time changing send the sun up here at about 500 am. Due to this, and the thin slit that is always left in my curtains due to me pulling to hard to close them at night, my personal (ability to wake myself up so easily when the sun rises) has set a soundless alarm for 500 am, to which I shut it off and force the covers over my head in hopes for a 45 min nap till I have to wake up. When that doesn't work I just get up and get started.... Today was one of those days, not that this is a bad thing but one to which the coffee in my cup is always gone before my craving for it stops. Anywho I woke worked out, ran, made coffee, ironed my pants, showered, and threw in a blueberry bagel. 

Now blueberry bagels are few and far between here in Japan. My local Ogino- supermarket- does not have a bakery thus no bagels, and I have to ride about 15 mins to get a good supermarket which has bagels. SO, to my delight I bought some as I was out and about on Sunday to enjoy on Monday. SUGOI! As I set my timer on the only toaster I have, I went to enjoy the sound of my coffee maker and get ready for the day. Then I heard the bell- DING (or go kachink (the ding sound in Japan)). I ran over to see a very little smoke rising from my toaster and opened to see these circular burnt shards of what some would like to call bagels. My reaction shocked myself (since no one else was there I might have shocked you too). I didn't yell or throw them away. I said to myself- these bagels have been waiting for my belly lets let them do what they have been called to do. So I put butter on them and took them into my secondary room where I prep for the day (with chants and grunts- no but it would be great). As I picked up the shards and began to chew- I was filled with so much joy. I was shocked again. Then I realized that food is not always what it tastes like but what music accompanies the taste. I was listening to Sarah  Reeves- a free new Itunes song I downloaded the other day. The song is what made the bagel return to its prior stage of magnificent.

Sarah Reeves was unknown to me before two days ago. She was not a singer, or christian artist, she was just floating around someone else's radio shooting the breeze. Then it hit me. The song "Come Save" is the most inspiring song I have heard in so long from Christian Music. Her voice is light and sweet, on top of  a relaxing acoustic backdrop. The words come save are repeated again and again (within this song) to which I found complete delight in. This song is a craving for Jesus to come save us from ourselves, our pride, our mediocrity, and reminds us that the earth cries his name as well as "your sons and daughters" cry for you- (which is a reminder that we cry his name just being alive - for we were created to worship him- whether we choose to or not we have his fingerprints). With this song repeated every time I put my earphones in my ears. My world has become different and the bagel restored to a state which was less burnt and more like a well done toast. 

Thus, I finished the bagel (and trust me it was all black- and looked more like a piece of charcoal- no joke), and enjoyed the flavor of Christ which takes our mistakes and failings and turns them into less of what "they" are and more like "HE" is. So sometime- indulge in a burnt blueberry bagel.

Remember: Bagels and Muffins are wonderful things- sometimes it is better to have a burnt one than none at all.


April 21, 2009

Mindless Blogging.. Straight from the mind...

So one thing I have become very bad at lately is updating and emailing and keeping all the connections I have wanted to. The school year has started and I have slide into some laziness. I am sorry. Since my new job, my parents coming, a sweet birthday party weekend for a friend, my brain and fingers have been very slow and my motivation a little raw. So I beg to offer you a mindless blog, one of Molly's old favorites. This is the preface, I am tired and wanting to update. So I shall start typing and skip to many different topics, in random form and thus the game for you is to see if you can follow. If so you have mastered a Molly blog. If not please try again- it is a rarity indeed that I would thus sit speak to you in such a form. Well so it shall begin..... Kowaii desu ne (scarry yes?) You could say this is the Milk As Milked!

For starters, I have had around a week and almost a half of teaching since the rents came to visit. They have been very good and a reminder of what life is really like. I have two new teachers plus a total of 14 new at the school so it has been a surprise for me. With the new blood has come a few teachers who are a little less afraid to talk with me and acknowledge I exist. I have had a delight to speak more words of English and Japanese because of them. To that I say Praise God- It has been a prayer request for about 8 months that people would be less afraid of me- and God is still wonderful! Besides that I have more classes at this school meaning just a mush of student time which I love. They are better at responding to me and not being afraid of me too (I never knew people could be so afraid of me hehhehhe). But I have found that as I step into the hallway and force a few conversations students then start to feel comfortable with me and approach me to say random things which I love. Even the new cute children (first graders who are really 7th graders but look like 3 graders!!!) are less afraid to try out their English. 

As far as  traveling I will take the next couple weeks off then go on a great vacation with my friends here to IZU pennisula- it is on the coast and we will ferry to one of the islands off Japan and rough it for a few days soaking in the sun and relaxing times. I am looking forward to this knowing it is one of my last big trips before leaving. I have begun to descend on the I am leaving slope- not wanting to yet but knowing it is coming it excites me but also frightens me. There are many thing to do yet, many things to see, and also as I return there are so many things to do in the month between July 18 and when I start at Columbus Junction in August! But knowing God is good I stand on his promise that he will never leave me nor forsake me. So I shall rise with peace knowing that He who has brought me this far will sustain me till his coming! (Amen- I needed that!) Also, I am trying to focus on being completely here and enjoying this different culture and work experience till I return to the United States and a busier life entails.

As I sit here, I am almost falling asleep. This rarely happens to me but when it does things just swirl around me and I feel kinda like I am just doing things so I will stay awake- oh but I am. hence this blog- ( not to be confused with me not loving all of you and doing this more often I just need something that keeps my brain on the up and up for a while). I am reminded that as I write this it is 12:21am in America and I would rather be sleeping. 

Well the ramblings continue- I just read the daily devo from Oswald Chambers-(my fav) and he had some great things to say- that I shall repeat. He talked about how we are constantly searching to see the mystery of God and in the process hurting HIM. How? Well, because the mystery of God is NOW not then or will be it is constant and always there, we just see it in different ways. Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip?-John 14:9. Talk about a "shock to the heart", I think I do this so much while in Japan- I still question-"What is my purpose here?" and in that I have been hurting the Lord, for he brought me here and is working I am just not looking in the right places. BEHHHH? Wow, did this just happen- a clarity form above- it usually does- it only takes just the mention of his name. Well for this I shall ponder in prayer- Be encouraged that when you are searching for the BIG stuff- and see none- God wants you to see him NOW no size is too big or small for him. NE!

So the language review has just begun. I have been studying Japanese while being here and see the beginnings of good comprehension and now more verbal output. But as I look into the future- like star trek- I see the language of Spanish needing to be reviewed and relearned and better applied. I reread some things I wrote in College and wow I was def better then than now. It will be interesting to see the ups and downs of  the acquisition of two languages. Spanish is more of a review but here I am use to hearing Japanese and the grammar of Japanese so speaking Spanish in Japan has been very difficult as I try to form sentences. But I shall press on, praying that the languages are acquired so I can use them and use them well. Look forward to some Spanish blogs! 

Well this seems to be the end of my coffee- I mean the end of the need to spill my brain. If this scares you- just try to have a conversation (in English) with me. It is just as confusing but thankfully my friends have acquired the tools to decipher this and for that I love them! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! May God be Glorified in you life.

Remember: God is using you and revealing his mystery to you NOW- stop looking ahead! 


p.s. I have now learned my first Japanese pop song and will be preforming it this weekend at our Karaoke night. 

April 13, 2009

Ichijo San- Samurai General-NE!

Hey look a gaijin (foreigner) dressed up like a samurai..... (stares, stares, stairs, stares). EHHH? Yes, It is me under that around 20 lbs of layered fabrics and things that resemble chain male. I got the rare privilege to dress up like a samurai to honor this famous samurai- Takeda Shingen. So to do this I became a samurai general a guarder of the big man himself! Also, I had to get up on a steed and prepare just in case I would need to swipe the heads off any person who would come close to Takeda. SO, Lets just take a look at this timely and somewhat painful experience!

Dr. Molly to the rescue. This was step 1! First, I had to wear spats- or tights, a one hole toe sock and this Dr. coat under all of this. And there were these guys who came around and dressed everyone. It was great- I need one of those on a daily basis. (and no his mask was not to whisk away my smell- I took a shower!)

Next, A pair of baggy knickers. They will be before to long! Any who- they started wrapping all these ropes around me and pulling them as snug possible.

Next, Two guys came to start putting on the sleeves. It was intense- there was maybe 5 ties for these parts- they just kept coming up with more places to tie things. I was like- wow watch out! 

After gearing up my knickers with these sweet shin guards (which might reflect a kick but not anything else) they put on the shoes- Hence the reason for the one hole toe sock. Man, you think that wearing flip flops would train you for this sock- NO WAY! IT was shoved onto my foot so much I def had a toe wedgie. Ehhh.

In this picture I was almost done and there was this camera club taking so many pictures- ahhh. It was like- Hey look there are some Americans lets only take pictures of them. AHHHH! I was pretty sure they were practicing to be the paparazzi. They definitely had it down the whole annoying thing. Any who I was almost done! It was def heavy. All the weight was on my hips- man how did they do it. (and ride a horse?)

Takao giving me some advice about being a samurai. See the corn emblem on my head- Yep they must have known I was from Iowa.

Head check. Lets tie it so tight that it will never come off.

How does it feel to be hugged all day long- Great! Every time I had something loose or needing to be changed, or I needed to go to the restroom- I got a hug! It was so nice. Most of the time I didn't have to ask- they were like the hug crew. They kept my spirits up as well as my pants! Great people!

Done! Here we are with Takeda Shingen. See our hands on our swords- We are ready to get em! (ps- with all the get up it was hard to get the sword out! Man it was- I tried and almost fell over!) But it was great! I was all ready- and then I heard the sound of the noble steed who was going to carry me through this 5 hour parade! (yeah didn't expect that either). 

Here is where we met the mayor and took pics! It looks like we were all boys but there were about 4 girls. Also people couldn't tell if I was Japanese or not from the back- the first time that has happened! 

This was after I mounted. The horse was sweet. The last time I rode a horse was in a horse camp in 5th grade and the horse was black too. Any who after hoisting myself plus about 20 lbs. on to the horse we walked and walked till the parade started! Thankfully i had a person to walk my horse- or I would have been in Kyoto (a news bulletin- A wild steed stampeded out of the Parade carrying a foreigner who look like the former English teacher in Kofu- they were found in Kyoto 8 hours away in the morning). Well these guys were great- they were so patient and let me off the horse many times- so I could rest the deadness in my legs and .. it was great!  The horses name was buck star- or at least that is what I heard. It was fun- and smelly- yeah  you noticed the lower left hand corner- yeah that was nothing the horse in front of us kept exploding. Also, he would let out these gassy explosions and we could do nothing about it but try to not keel over. 

The Takeda festival was fun! These guys were holding a huge shrine of sorts- chanting and saying yosh... They would carry it all over and switch men half the way through. Wow it was great to see Kofu from the horse but seriously I will not be riding a horse for the next few years- I need sometime off. Anywho- it was great time. To see the faces of the kids when I went by and they realized I was not Japanese- and the old ladies who would yell and look at me- Ohhh gaijin gaijin! hehehe it was a fantastic opportunity that will always remind me- samurai  need a new outfit- man some lighter fabrics or something! 

Remember: When you ride a horse for 5 hours you get this tipsy feeling after- do not go and jump in a pool- Man that would make anyone barf.


Easter shimashiyo!

Minasan, Konbawa. nana ji jusan pun desu. (pun or fun- wakanai). It is about 7:13 on Monday morning in the US but for us in Japan it's 9:13 at night Monday night. I forget that I have not reset my clock on my computer and always feel like I back up about 14 hours in a day. Any who, This first blog is more of a reminder for me of some of my discombobulated, ambiguous feelings of a Japanese Easter. I had written a few journals and just want to share some insight into celebrating a christian holiday in a religiously God-less society (I say religiously- because God is def here just not worshiped. NE! SO here we go.....

As i wrote my thoughts today on the -whatever you call it- the thoughts area (on facebook)- I was so baffled by the simplicity of Easter in America- and trying to grasp the concept of Easter in Japan- I am left only with ambiguity and yet a sense of God that I can't express.  So I say all this to say- Easter is different here. In this (religiously speaking) God-less country- I have  felt more of a fight to keep my beliefs and what I care about so important  in the forefront. There are no visual expressions of Easter other than candy (but no decorations that express Easter- nothing), and with little communication and religious differences there is even less said, yet I know God is here and moving. So today (my Easter) I feel as if this is a fight in me to keep alive the Glory of God yet I rest in the peace of God as I seek out Easter in a non-religious community who will wake up tomorrow and replace the Sunday- Easter celebration with a parade for a Samurai King. This is all to confusing and way to much to share so I will keep it short and maybe later share this ambiguity and moving in my spirit.

That was a journal I wrote after pondering what Easter was like in Japan. I think both my Christmas and Easter have been similar- so strange that nothing is seen- no one talks about it. Especially Easter- even less is done than Christmas. So I venture to remark that Easter this year was a peaceful- battle. A battle to keep my heart and head focused, and peaceful knowing God is here- and that means remembering the blood shed and the resurrection of the ONE true God the name above all name and at that name every knee shall bow on heaven and earth and under the earth, so we could spread his name, his love, his grace, and the knowledge of God to others. No matter where you are. 

Remember: I am not the only one who feels like this- who struggled with this Easter and Christmas- so lets remember on these wonderful days to pray for those missionaries who choose to leave the reminders of each christian holiday and seek God in other areas of the world!


April 7, 2009

Reflections at 11:13 pm

Annie McInnis- aka a real missionary- Praise God I got to meet her- wow God is good! (oh and missionaries can make the behhh-Japanese what-face.)

Irashaimasen. Welcome to my blog again. For a while I have been out of order-since I have been given the wonderful opportunity to serve my rents by giving them a trip to Japan. I have been so blessed this year and wanted to serve my rents who have given everything then some for me and Katy. I just praise God for this opportunity- it doesn't happen a lot. And as Thursday approaches and Mom returns to the US- I have been taking sometime reflecting with them all that has happened this year- in order to give Glory to God. Here are a few praises- I have been lead here to Japan, lead by God- struggled with many things but never alone- have learned so many great things about another culture and myself- begun to learn how to live alone- and THE one I want to focus on now is God placing me here to be a witness and barnabas to some Paul's here in Japan.

First, I met a wonderful lady Roberta Koishi who started as a missionary in Japan, and then married a wonderful man Takao and has lived here in Japan for over 40 years. She has become the mother of the Program I am a part of and I love her more than words. Her stories of life in Japan, of struggling to learn this culture and language, and seeing God move in so many ways has been a huge impact on my life. God new what I needed - a wonderful women of God to encourage me and encourage my short-term missions work here in Japan.

Second, I met Annie McInnis. She came to Japan at the same time I did. She graduated from Morningside College (which is a rival to NW- but I forgave her for that too!) and runs, praises God, and is a God-sent sister in Christ for me this year. We have started a Bible Study, helped in the church through our ability to mime dramas, sing and raise our hands in church, and just become sisters! She is a unique lady- she loves God- has been called to be a missionary in Asia. She teachers elementary students and works so hard at church and has a wonderful boyfriend who loves the Lord so much and has been called to seminary in Tokyo for three years. Her life is just started here and her language is just blooming. 

Who am I that God would bless me and give me the chance to serve these ladies and be so blessed by two missionaries in the field? Though I have not been called to serve Japan for life- God has shown me that I am here to help and support those who are staying. I see that the reason I came to Japan has been less about the teaching and more about seeking God and just saying yes to what he has for me to do. I was just thinking about that and wanted to share this wonderful reflection at 11:13 pm.  

Roberta- seriously how cute is she- what a great lady (so brash- but not the bad kind)!

Remember: Drinking Tea is not just for the weak- seriously- Takeda Shingen (a popular-terminator style-samurai) drank it.


ps- this weekend is the HUGE Takeda Shingen Parade. I will be a fully dressed samurai guard on a horse. More updates as I experience being a samurai! I promise to slice a few bag guys. (You are thinking a girl samurai- seriously if Mulan can do it in china then I certainly can do it in Japan!) 
pssssss- Since this is a parade I have suggested adding a more American tradition- throwing things into the crowd- everyone was very excited and thought we could throw houto (a mix of noodles-and veggies that the samurai would eat before battle) Well that is a start....??? I thought a sword would be cooler but veggies it is...

April 6, 2009

Where have you been?

So those who have frequented my blog have wondered- Doko desu ka? Where are ya? I know you would think that being on vacation would create endless time to email, blog, and catch up on life (or LiHUUU). Well that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard since they told me that I a tomato was a fruit- yeah still blows my mind. I have been so busy that I do not remember what happened after the last blog- but here goes a quick update of life in Japan.

After the previous blog-The Red Letter Festival happened and we prayed in Japan.

My rents came March 23 and we stayed in Kofu for around 6 days then to Tokyo and took a night buss to Kyoto and Osaka for 3 days. Then a night bus to Tokyo and 3 days in Tokyo. And Then we flew dad back to America, and ventured back to Kofu to rest and do lots of things. (if you want more info check facebook pics and it doesn't hurt to ask) It was a great trip that I could take with the rents plus my sister in Christ ANNIE! It was great! And God has blessed me this year so I could take care of my rents and set all this up and pay for many things- Thanks GOD! 

Well today was crazy. Today marks the 8th month mark- I have been living in Japan for 8 months and have around 3 left. (I get home around July 17th). Any who we started schools today (that is what you get for having year round school= crazy start times. So the newbie 7th graders came today- so cute. They are mostly still children- they look short and ready to grow some here! Well we had new teachers- so I didn't know many teachers but God is def going to work in this school I believe it. There are some difficult teachers here and God will move in somehow I am just waiting and seeking to see what is up there. So it was an adjustment to go to this formality called a school ceremony to spend 3 hours introducing all the teacher, and rooms, and just random speeches  and such. But it is def something that is important here so it is def an experience. SO IS riding a bike with your skirt suit on. NE- I have had to do this twice now and for those who say riding a bike with a knee length skirt suit on is impossible I would say- Pssshhht. Totally possible. I did it twice today. A good para tennis shoes to get you to school and not riding towards any cars but with them is always good too. SO I can def cross that off my list- riding to school in all weather, in all clothes, and for everything. I love riding the bike- I have no other way but today would have been nice to have a car. But it was a beautiful day around 60-65 sunny and a great day to be stared at (what happens when you are seen by the parents of new students-they say ohhh she is not Japanese-just stare and laugh) Hey I do like to make people laugh so I guess I am accomplishing goals here. Any who it was great and now one more week of resting to get me through this next three months. 

Some Goals of mine:
-Enjoy my last three months- travel like crazy- do crazy things-
-Use my Japanese-and not be timid (because for those of you who knew me in the US I was not so timid- but here I am quite quiet- many teachers say I am very Japanese for that reason).
-Focus on God and seeking him for everything (this to set refocus the last three months but also keep moving closer to him so I can stay close as I start to transition in to the US).
-Also get ready for Columbus Junction- God placed it in my lap and I believe that he is leading me. (this means to study more Spanish- and Japanese).
-stop making so many lists- well maybe- i make to many and find them to late. 

EHHH yeah good to get those out to help the focus of my life and prayer. 

Oh yeah I got a job at Columbus Junction in Iowa, about 3 hours south east of Des Monies. I had the interview via Skye April 4th and that night they offered it to me. And then I was kinda nervous trying to pray about it and get back to them by TODAY- so wow- God really spoke to me at church through a close friend and said- Stop being anxious- I am going ahead of you- And that calmed my spirit and I then thought- I should step through this door and if it is what Gods got for me that is what I want! (also it is one of the schools I actually liked out of all the ones I applied for). So the Glory to God for setting that up so easily. I emailed them and they are taking it to the board on the US Monday night and then I will start in August. It will be weird to work a full year teaching- as you know most teachers get the summer off- in Japan not true- I will work up to July 17th and then about two weeks later be getting ready to teach again. But God is going before that too! Lots to do! Also I am excited I have the U of I close to me down there so academic opportunity as well as a great atmosphere and more churches than ever! yeah! (not to mention people who speak English). Any who that is what is up.

Sorry to bore most of you and interest probably only my family. But I need to get this out and document the trips so I do not forget. More great stories from the rents trip soon. We are having a blast! I gotta admit I love em! 

Remember: For those who wake up and speak English (and build relationships between the people you work with no matter how tough it can be) through out the day freely- It is a blessing- not every English speaker gets that. Count your blessings.

I promise next will be more interesting.