As i wrote my thoughts today on the -whatever you call it- the thoughts area (on facebook)- I was so baffled by the simplicity of Easter in America- and trying to grasp the concept of Easter in Japan- I am left only with ambiguity and yet a sense of God that I can't express. So I say all this to say- Easter is different here. In this (religiously speaking) God-less country- I have felt more of a fight to keep my beliefs and what I care about so important in the forefront. There are no visual expressions of Easter other than candy (but no decorations that express Easter- nothing), and with little communication and religious differences there is even less said, yet I know God is here and moving. So today (my Easter) I feel as if this is a fight in me to keep alive the Glory of God yet I rest in the peace of God as I seek out Easter in a non-religious community who will wake up tomorrow and replace the Sunday- Easter celebration with a parade for a Samurai King. This is all to confusing and way to much to share so I will keep it short and maybe later share this ambiguity and moving in my spirit.
That was a journal I wrote after pondering what Easter was like in Japan. I think both my Christmas and Easter have been similar- so strange that nothing is seen- no one talks about it. Especially Easter- even less is done than Christmas. So I venture to remark that Easter this year was a peaceful- battle. A battle to keep my heart and head focused, and peaceful knowing God is here- and that means remembering the blood shed and the resurrection of the ONE true God the name above all name and at that name every knee shall bow on heaven and earth and under the earth, so we could spread his name, his love, his grace, and the knowledge of God to others. No matter where you are.
Remember: I am not the only one who feels like this- who struggled with this Easter and Christmas- so lets remember on these wonderful days to pray for those missionaries who choose to leave the reminders of each christian holiday and seek God in other areas of the world!
Great post, Molly! It's got me thinking about the cross vs. bunny Easter that we are faced with here in the US.
Happy Easter! I loved reading this and the one above of you dressing as a Samurai. A parade for a king on the day we celebrate the King of kings!? Interesting to think about.
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