April 27, 2009

Have you ever indulged in burnt blueberry bagels?

Just for a wonderful update on life I choose the personal narrative style of repeating the wonders of the day to those of you who care enough to take a guz of this semi-lame blog....

So today started as it usually does with the sun. Lately the lack of time changing send the sun up here at about 500 am. Due to this, and the thin slit that is always left in my curtains due to me pulling to hard to close them at night, my personal (ability to wake myself up so easily when the sun rises) has set a soundless alarm for 500 am, to which I shut it off and force the covers over my head in hopes for a 45 min nap till I have to wake up. When that doesn't work I just get up and get started.... Today was one of those days, not that this is a bad thing but one to which the coffee in my cup is always gone before my craving for it stops. Anywho I woke worked out, ran, made coffee, ironed my pants, showered, and threw in a blueberry bagel. 

Now blueberry bagels are few and far between here in Japan. My local Ogino- supermarket- does not have a bakery thus no bagels, and I have to ride about 15 mins to get a good supermarket which has bagels. SO, to my delight I bought some as I was out and about on Sunday to enjoy on Monday. SUGOI! As I set my timer on the only toaster I have, I went to enjoy the sound of my coffee maker and get ready for the day. Then I heard the bell- DING (or go kachink (the ding sound in Japan)). I ran over to see a very little smoke rising from my toaster and opened to see these circular burnt shards of what some would like to call bagels. My reaction shocked myself (since no one else was there I might have shocked you too). I didn't yell or throw them away. I said to myself- these bagels have been waiting for my belly lets let them do what they have been called to do. So I put butter on them and took them into my secondary room where I prep for the day (with chants and grunts- no but it would be great). As I picked up the shards and began to chew- I was filled with so much joy. I was shocked again. Then I realized that food is not always what it tastes like but what music accompanies the taste. I was listening to Sarah  Reeves- a free new Itunes song I downloaded the other day. The song is what made the bagel return to its prior stage of magnificent.

Sarah Reeves was unknown to me before two days ago. She was not a singer, or christian artist, she was just floating around someone else's radio shooting the breeze. Then it hit me. The song "Come Save" is the most inspiring song I have heard in so long from Christian Music. Her voice is light and sweet, on top of  a relaxing acoustic backdrop. The words come save are repeated again and again (within this song) to which I found complete delight in. This song is a craving for Jesus to come save us from ourselves, our pride, our mediocrity, and reminds us that the earth cries his name as well as "your sons and daughters" cry for you- (which is a reminder that we cry his name just being alive - for we were created to worship him- whether we choose to or not we have his fingerprints). With this song repeated every time I put my earphones in my ears. My world has become different and the bagel restored to a state which was less burnt and more like a well done toast. 

Thus, I finished the bagel (and trust me it was all black- and looked more like a piece of charcoal- no joke), and enjoyed the flavor of Christ which takes our mistakes and failings and turns them into less of what "they" are and more like "HE" is. So sometime- indulge in a burnt blueberry bagel.

Remember: Bagels and Muffins are wonderful things- sometimes it is better to have a burnt one than none at all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...just like campfire marshmallows for s'mores- "the blacker the better". :)