April 21, 2009

Mindless Blogging.. Straight from the mind...

So one thing I have become very bad at lately is updating and emailing and keeping all the connections I have wanted to. The school year has started and I have slide into some laziness. I am sorry. Since my new job, my parents coming, a sweet birthday party weekend for a friend, my brain and fingers have been very slow and my motivation a little raw. So I beg to offer you a mindless blog, one of Molly's old favorites. This is the preface, I am tired and wanting to update. So I shall start typing and skip to many different topics, in random form and thus the game for you is to see if you can follow. If so you have mastered a Molly blog. If not please try again- it is a rarity indeed that I would thus sit speak to you in such a form. Well so it shall begin..... Kowaii desu ne (scarry yes?) You could say this is the Milk As Milked!

For starters, I have had around a week and almost a half of teaching since the rents came to visit. They have been very good and a reminder of what life is really like. I have two new teachers plus a total of 14 new at the school so it has been a surprise for me. With the new blood has come a few teachers who are a little less afraid to talk with me and acknowledge I exist. I have had a delight to speak more words of English and Japanese because of them. To that I say Praise God- It has been a prayer request for about 8 months that people would be less afraid of me- and God is still wonderful! Besides that I have more classes at this school meaning just a mush of student time which I love. They are better at responding to me and not being afraid of me too (I never knew people could be so afraid of me hehhehhe). But I have found that as I step into the hallway and force a few conversations students then start to feel comfortable with me and approach me to say random things which I love. Even the new cute children (first graders who are really 7th graders but look like 3 graders!!!) are less afraid to try out their English. 

As far as  traveling I will take the next couple weeks off then go on a great vacation with my friends here to IZU pennisula- it is on the coast and we will ferry to one of the islands off Japan and rough it for a few days soaking in the sun and relaxing times. I am looking forward to this knowing it is one of my last big trips before leaving. I have begun to descend on the I am leaving slope- not wanting to yet but knowing it is coming it excites me but also frightens me. There are many thing to do yet, many things to see, and also as I return there are so many things to do in the month between July 18 and when I start at Columbus Junction in August! But knowing God is good I stand on his promise that he will never leave me nor forsake me. So I shall rise with peace knowing that He who has brought me this far will sustain me till his coming! (Amen- I needed that!) Also, I am trying to focus on being completely here and enjoying this different culture and work experience till I return to the United States and a busier life entails.

As I sit here, I am almost falling asleep. This rarely happens to me but when it does things just swirl around me and I feel kinda like I am just doing things so I will stay awake- oh but I am. hence this blog- ( not to be confused with me not loving all of you and doing this more often I just need something that keeps my brain on the up and up for a while). I am reminded that as I write this it is 12:21am in America and I would rather be sleeping. 

Well the ramblings continue- I just read the daily devo from Oswald Chambers-(my fav) and he had some great things to say- that I shall repeat. He talked about how we are constantly searching to see the mystery of God and in the process hurting HIM. How? Well, because the mystery of God is NOW not then or will be it is constant and always there, we just see it in different ways. Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip?-John 14:9. Talk about a "shock to the heart", I think I do this so much while in Japan- I still question-"What is my purpose here?" and in that I have been hurting the Lord, for he brought me here and is working I am just not looking in the right places. BEHHHH? Wow, did this just happen- a clarity form above- it usually does- it only takes just the mention of his name. Well for this I shall ponder in prayer- Be encouraged that when you are searching for the BIG stuff- and see none- God wants you to see him NOW no size is too big or small for him. NE!

So the language review has just begun. I have been studying Japanese while being here and see the beginnings of good comprehension and now more verbal output. But as I look into the future- like star trek- I see the language of Spanish needing to be reviewed and relearned and better applied. I reread some things I wrote in College and wow I was def better then than now. It will be interesting to see the ups and downs of  the acquisition of two languages. Spanish is more of a review but here I am use to hearing Japanese and the grammar of Japanese so speaking Spanish in Japan has been very difficult as I try to form sentences. But I shall press on, praying that the languages are acquired so I can use them and use them well. Look forward to some Spanish blogs! 

Well this seems to be the end of my coffee- I mean the end of the need to spill my brain. If this scares you- just try to have a conversation (in English) with me. It is just as confusing but thankfully my friends have acquired the tools to decipher this and for that I love them! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! May God be Glorified in you life.

Remember: God is using you and revealing his mystery to you NOW- stop looking ahead! 


p.s. I have now learned my first Japanese pop song and will be preforming it this weekend at our Karaoke night. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the Oswald Chambers thoughts- not as much as the Molly random blogs though! :)