March 30, 2008

The Pursuit of..... Anger

Anger: a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism. What makes you mad, urkes you, drives you up the wall, gets a bee in your bonnet, make you want to overthrow the milk man when he comes to visit again???? This may be the most successful blog- why because as you will see, anger drives us.

First level of anger: Frustrations, pet peeves. Do you get angry at......
  • The cart you choose at the grocery store swivels or jiggles as you move not allowing you to steer the cart to any isle but only into other people.
  • People who know which buttons to push to want to attack them in a friendly-vicious way.
  • A computer, you just bought, which only has the trial offer of Microsoft Vista- which now is not working so you will have to buy a new version after just buying the computer.
  • Someone who cuts right in front of you on the street only to slow down and turn in 2 mins.
  • Parents-your own or other peoples'
  • personal weakness
  • There is clutter
  • Throw pillows are not in the "right place"
  • Talking on the phone.
  • Those people who pee on the seat- and I am not just talking about guys!
  • People who try to dress- be original please.

These things may only frustrate me, but please add your own. Getting these things out in the open will thrust you into a new found energy. Trust me. Try it...

Now, Try out this one! Get ANGRRRRRRRYYYYYYY! Become "green" with anger, furious, outraged, dogeared and panting (not sure if I heard that or made it up?), and see what happens. (You may just be wondering are you crazy- why should I think about anger- I need to relax- but just hold on and try it out you may be surprised).
Do you get ANGRY at:
  • child abuse
  • "people asking you to do things" like be a nursery worker, Sunday school teacher, or ( place something in this blank which applies to you ____________.)
  • the spread of diseases- AIDS, HIV,
  • teen pregnancy- and the immoral society which makes these practices so free that we have no respect for sex. Sex= happy. ( I am sex, today I have had a great day).
  • ME
  • over due books- (no that is just my fault- so I am angry at myself)
  • Paying for things which you need but cost more than they should- such as Kleenex, toilet paper, food, fruit, veggies, teaching licenses, cell phones, anything not so fun.
  • Tolerant people- who are not tolerant

Now check how you feel. Most may feel relieved to release this anger through talking about it. But does your blood boil? DO you feel like you could run for about 12 miles or maybe a good 2? Or maybe it brings up other things which bring up other things? Anger energy- what if we used this energy to make these thing right or try? If we stopped only talking about them but use the things which make us angry to drive a energy/passion to help these things. I find that the more I am angry at something (like nursery duty) the more I realize that people ask because I can do it and they trust me- why not change that into taking that 2 hour shift of chaotic screaming kids to help out. Or stop being critical of those who you despise and turn around and have good days- with the energy. As Martha Stewart might say Angry energy-"its a good thing".

And till next time: remember it is not brainy people who make money- its those who use their brains and butt kissing skills to find great paying jobs who make the money.


March 28, 2008

Where in the world is Ruben???

Where's Ruben Studdard? I found him (thanks to MacGyver). I was wondering around myspace (facebook for "the mature" I once heard it explained as?!?!) and I wondered onto Mary Mary's space. And whose voice came over the speaker? Ruben- for those who forgot he was on that American Idol which that other guy-??? oh yeah, Aiken. WOW I like to call that American Idol the America's first won and first dropped idols. Who saw those guys after that season. I only see Aiken at Christmas and then not so much! Well, for those who were worried- I found him! NO worries! And you can check them out on you tube or just turn around and forget - what's his name- oops see it is easy to do! Well take him while you got him.
Till next time remember to clean out your pets litter box- they smell.


March 27, 2008

Reserved for who? Not for you, but you look good!

I was listening to a radio station the other day and a guz of news gripped my attention. There has been a bill proposed in Cali (word to my home dogs) which would allow pregnant ladies in their third trimester to get handicapped parking spots. I was driving down Guthrie (I drive it daily and don’t' know how to spell it) Ave. and almost swerved into the oncoming traffic. But before I start, let’s (as Christina Aguilera would say) get back to the basics.

California handicap regulations for acquiring a handicap parking tag are for those who with any of many and varied, permanently disabling conditions. ( Since most of the disabilities are permanent the tags hold a permanent value they are a permanent tag but reissued every two years to account for changes, such as death. For non-permanent disabilities a red card is given but has a six month reissuance. With this I shall resume..... (No not another word- which reminds me of the piece of nice paper which I send to countless schools hoping for a bit and getting....patience).

To continue (a reminder- third trimester pregnant ladies- handicap parking), I think bill goes to show how ridiculous America is and our laziness. First, you may say- hey "just a guz" writer you are a female would you not hollaback girl for one of those closer parking spots? I say thank you Gwen Stefani I would go for it sure. But there just is one question of mine- Can America remember who the handicapped are? We offer so many handicap stickers/tags, the people who need those spots have to fight for them or park farther away. What is the meaning of a permanent handicap- is it third trimester mothers?

The other day I was at a store and I saw something which seemed to anger me. There was a man who parked in a handicapped spot with a handicap tag and when he got out he jogged to the store. What made me mad? Not that he was able to jog or even get a great parking spot but the thought that this man might have not needed that tag and he just took advantage of the person who needed it or another who might need it more. (I am not saying that this man didn't deserve it because he was running, younger, or didn't seem handicapped) but that I know there are many people who do abuse the right to simply own a handicapped sticker. Is our need for convenience hurting those who actually have the right to get some help?

What does this have to do with this bill? (Just a clarification- I have never been pregnant my idea of pregnancy comes from those who I know and what they say). Is pregnancy being handicapped for nine months or even the last trimester? What happened before we became lazy culture? Women who were pregnant either walked where they wanted stayed home or got help? From what I have heard- for pregnancy- exercise is very beneficial. (Let alone for everyone). If you are immobile from pregnancy you should not go anywhere anyway. What does this new bill propose- closer parking for ladies in their last trimester, so they don't have to walk the extra few steps to get into establishments like everyone else- If you are struggling that much with hauling a purse, extra children, or being mobile while pregnant- ask for help, reconsider what sacrifices you will make for children, or don't have children. This seems harsh- but I am for sure that if California does pass this- which I do not foresee- that some women- would jump on the fact to have the parking spot closes to the mall just for the last three months of pregnancy. If you decide to be pregnant than don't complain when your back hurts from walking keep doing it, it is good for you. Cali don’t give allowance to everyone keep it under one circumstance at a time- or the laziness will shine and people who really need the spots will have to fight a fight they should not have to fight.

Last thought- if we allow pregnancy to be a handicap, there will be a rush of handicaps tags for bad hair cuts, bad sunburn, and pets with dissabilites. Until next time: Free handicap tags come get them!


March 25, 2008

It's the trial size

So when a store sells trials sizes does it mean that they are selling a product which is on trial, a kind of court system for shampoo bottles or shave cream or that other stuff no one touches because it is sticky on the outside? If the answer is yes, than I guess I am partaking on that trial run.. the court system for bloggers. And the jury.. you and (Martha Stewart) but in all reality I will only believe you. (Yeah sorry Martha- I did like your old cooking show when you seemed like a human).

Are you like me and find yourself wanting a drink of someone elses drink- why?- just because theirs look better or you were to lazy to get yourself one? And do you then say "Hey can I have a sip?"- Then you go and drink about half their drink thus eliciting the response, "Hey why don't ya just finish that one off- that was more than a sip?"- I do it all the time- well for those who know me ( I mean to whom I take drinks of your drinks)- Mine sip is what (Big D) would like to call a Guz- slang for a guzzle. This is a blog for those who like me want more than just a sip all they want is Just a Guz.

But for those who do not understand (or will never understand), I feel the need to disclaim anything which may happen in the future (or what us teachers like to call anything which is not the past because the present doesn't last long enough) because things like (), seemingly random tangents, and less coherent topics will be expected. I am a writer who pays less time on spelling and more on writing how my brain works (in parenthetical statements, and randoms). I will separate ideas by paragraphs and fun side notes with these ().

STOP: Take a moment to take a biopsy of you brain. If you are feeling-tired-lonely-bored-asleep (which by then I feel you will not be reading this but....)-or any uncomfortable twinges of pain from these past statements stop now- and don't cut any deeper- it can cause damage to your ability to reason. BUT if you feel somehow- relieved-looser in the joints- bruised by your elbow- or the like then feel free to venture with me through who knows what and to where I don't know.

So this is my final (frontier) thought- this trial size is now in session. Please feel free to comment on the chaos which is called my inability to think clearly or reason in a logical way! So until next time- Don't forget to get your dogs sprayed or neutralized at your local pet store. (thanks bob barker).