May 27, 2009


Yakkisoba- wonderful mix of pan fried noodles, veggies, otafuku sauce and a few top secret ingreds to make the most delicious pasta EVER! It is my favorite japanese meal. Yakkisoba is mostly used at festivals and for parties (yet I love it). SO during another Japanese lesson- we subbed for some cooking lessons from Natsuko! (we have already made sushi, okonomiyaki, an green tea) so now for the pretty basic but delish dish! The first pic is the ingredients. (Great thing is I can actually read ALL OF IT) I have learned something i guess!) SO after reading this- we started..... welll

Then the bombshell hit- I had bought (by visual cues not based on Japanese characters- kinda like a person with out the sense of smell would look at a pink flower and say- well this is a mum but in all reality it is a peony (hence you could smell the difference) that is disguised as a mum) ---a little bunch of bean sprouts- yeah I can see what they are-- but then there was another package that were thinner- sprout looking yet my American brain said- Bigger Bigger! SO I did it- I took the bigger sprouts- and much to my dismay they were DIKON sprouts- not bean sprouts- dikon- is a big white veggie that tastes like a radish without the bite.. Anywho we had to pause at Natsuko went to pick up the MOYASHI... dag yo! 

So then (while the cameras were rolling- seriously) we whipped in a little of this- a little of that- and a splash of love and vuwala- YAKKISOBA! SUGOI! 

Here is my lessons buddy and just overall bud of buds- JOE wearing his fav YOSHI appron during our cooking lesson. (the YOSHI is my japanese dad). Great cooking JOE san!

This remids me of those mother daughter pictures that you get when you make cookies or a big Carebear cake.... Yeah I so love the Mauramatsu's they have taken me in and made me feel just like a daughter! So here is JMOM and Molly cooking!

Slurping the goodness~ So Japanese! OISH-kata! SO good! 

All turned out so great! Everyone was enjoying the huge batch of Yakkisoba we made and just had a wonderful time talking and fellowship-ing at the Jrents!

Remember: Careful what you wish for- you just might get it all- and some you don't want- As just listened to from Daughtry.... I wish for..... more soba!!!!


May 25, 2009

SO let it be written so let it be done!

Ok this is documented- May 25th, 2009- 832pm. I was laying on my couch checking out the Internet, then my apt started to shake. I thought maybe it was just me- a convulsion maybe- but then I sat up and felt and heard the shaking.. The doors kinda made the "hey i am being shaken off my frame" noise, and then it stopped. It was like maybe 20 seconds, but it was cool and I totally felt it! SWEET! so let it be written- Because it was DONE!

Ok so the picture is a little much but it was the only one I could find in like 2 seconds!

Remember: Duck da da and cover!


May 22, 2009

Another great Skit!

This Original skit, as my teacher would call it, created by two students not only made me laugh but expressed a ambiguous stereotype. Just wait and see (fill in as needed).....

Student A: Hello, Welcome to Japan. (airport customs).
Student B: Hello.
A:Show me your passport please.
B. Sure, Here you are.
A:What is your name (said with glares of uncertainty).
B: I am Obama.
A: Are you from America?
B: Yes, I am an American.
A: Really?
B: Yes. (then the customs officer stands up from his desk and vigorously shakes his hand).
A: What is the purpose of your visit?
B: I am going to change your country?
A: Oh I see. How long are you going to stay?
B: About three weeks.
A: Ok, Please change our country!
B: I will.
A: Good bye.
B: Good bye.

disclaimer- it was made completely using their own knowledge of English and with no help form any teachers.....

Ponder that one for a while. or not just enjoy how funny it was...

Remember: Every-time you are sitting in a stuffy room that has AC- remember: most countries do not believe in it. 


May 20, 2009

New Car anyone???

Well I shall keep this to a short paragraph. I have to  buy a car when I return, and am looking for a reliable make. What do you think? Let me know what kinda cars you like- Thanks.....

Now I am thinking Toyota Corolla but not sure....


May 19, 2009

The feeling of wearing short sleeves in a over-sleeved country!

Ohiyo Gozaimasuuu.(emphasis on the suuuuuu)! Hello again to all who are missing the posts since the big change in my numbers- No not social security or the percent of those who work in Japan and are from America, or the drop outs of teaching in a foreign country, or my understanding of the Japanese language, but my answer to the question who old are you? Now I say NI JU SAN SAI DESU. I am 23. Do  I feel older? What you gotta be joking me- I am 23 an have been teaching in  Japan I feel more than older- how about misplaced in a world of Japanese speakers.... Seriously there are cooler questions to ask. But to subside that break out- I do not feel misplaced but just a hightened sense that no matter how long I am here- no matter what color my hair is- I will never be Japanese. This seems funny to the onlooker but seriously when you live in another country sometimes you wish you could just blend in- but my genetic makeup and hair color and eye color will never change thus--- I will never be Japanese... (side note- If you are from another country and live in Japan all your life- you still will NEVER be Japanese- BUT if you live in America all your life- you are American? Of course but funny how this is different all over the world- American is more of a mix of races and ethnicities but as for other countries there is a more general basis for the title.-no offense  just something thought about in Japan). 
Back to the Birthday- it was wonderful! I was able to chill with very good friends here eat great food- Karaoke- and just be.... Also I was surprised by my students with little birthday cards, and one student who got me earrings- WOW - it was a small gesture but one that showed me LOVE. So my birthdays (two because of the time difference) were great. Friday night was Natural Grace- Tofu burger (yes please the best!!) Ice cream and lots of singing. Sat was eating dinner with my Japanese parents- Roberta and Takao and all my friends! What a great time then shopping for Peanut Butter and going to church! What a great blessing! (also i got vanilla syrup and have made vanilla lattes every morning- What a great thing- great coffee!).

Other than that- this update had a purpose but I was taken by my account of my birthday- SO I shall go to class now that is is 850 time to head up- and get back to you about why I am blogging! OK! later

Ok this took a turn- a day turn. I got back from class only to leave for the day! What a great surprise. I spent the afternoon up at my favorite spot- Starbucks-which was playing old jazz music- which soothes the aching head and got to study, read, and look for plane tickets back to the states. Ehhhh, the time is coming when I will return to what is known as America and I am looking forward to that day with great apprehension. I have to move everything for one, and two I have to re-acclimated myself to speaking English all the time, understanding what is going on, and having less free-time. I am excited yet not- as you see. So till then there is a lot to do and thing just pick up from here- 8 weeks away- and it seems like tomorrow. So this is my warning- prepare yourselves- for what lies ahead- the return of Molly (MauLLEEE) to America. Are you ready? 

Next, Today's skits in class have left a few great stories. Please think about this- you are at customs section of the airport and you hear- NEXT (from the officer) you see a short Japanese student walk up and say "Hello"- very happy and genki! Show me your passport, the officer says- "OK. Here you are." What is your name?" -"John Lennon and I am from America!" At that moment the guards come and tackle this little kid and take him to be questioned where he thus say "I don't understand we didn't practice this in English Class." ---- A sad story but true if what we did in class was actually real. They are supposed to practice what it would be like to go to customs so they are prepared if they ever go to another country. And the dialogue in the book is pretty good but when they do their own skits- ORIGINAL skits- things are spiced up. I have heard- John Lennon, Clinton, and America- everyone who is famous is from there right?? And Welcome to Japanese! To these things I say- the officers will never be that happy to see you and ask you so many great questions and offer advice, like OH you can see many temples in Kyoto. or when one girl responds to the question " Why are you here" she says " I am doing a report on the new FLU!" The officer says "Do you have a mask" and the girl says "of course" And thus is lead into Mexico- no JOKE! What did we learn from this- Custom officers are a great source for traveling advice, Lennon is from America, and masks protect you from the NEW FLU of course.  My teachers job was done to confuse students to thinking life is always nice and pleasant- I hope sometime the reality will kick in for these students and hopefully NOT when they are in line for customs. HEHEHE It was quite funny and I enjoyed it but, hehehe but I question to what authenticity are we going for- what life should be or reality! HHEHEE again- English is fun so no worries but I do stop and wonder....

Well it is about 10:50 pm on the second day of this blog- so I decided- sleep and a new blog tomorrow would be better. Why wait so long! Any who things are great here winding down- aka me taking advantage of my free time, long bike rides at 10 pm just cuz, that kinda stuff! Enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend... Summer is drawing close

Remember: When you have to strap the toilet paper you bought to the back of your bike- bring a bungee- it won't stay on there itself!


May 13, 2009

Yes I can!!!!!

So this is life... Obama just had to say something that all of Japan could understand in three words.... YES WE CAN. Ever since then I have heard nothing but Yes, WE/I/YOU can from everyone. This tends to be after I ask a question and a response from those who prefer to be the one called on, or just a mocking voice from those who see that I am a gaijin (foreigner) and want to show off their English. Is is horrible- no- but annoying. Thus response to my day- I choose to free write about all the funny, annoying and ridiculous things that happen at school .....

First, NOW students are peering into the windows of the teachers room- hoping to catch a wave or just acknowledgement of being alive, I give the happy face and they run away.... Also at the same time if what could be better- they are playing Rock Paper Scissors to settle a job for the soccer team (probably the person who has to put down the obstacle course for the students.  The face in the window thing is normal jr high student, but the Rock Paper Scissors is a cultural thing. IT settles everything- from arguments of elementary students to choices of stocks for CEOs (ok maybe not stocks but have heard it used in every aspect of life here in Japan). It must be fate----!

Second, while in the first grade room (6th graders), I experienced something that I had to laugh out loud too. These first graders are straight off the elementary boat and still act like 5th graders and so they are so happy and energetic I love all the classes. And to add to this- my teacher reminds me of the Japanese Mofia- his appearance not personality. His looks are stiff and strict but personality is hilarious and very relaxed. The students love him and he definitely has their respect. Today at one very energetic point- the students were volunteering to write a sentence on the board. EVERYONE raised their hands (this never happens) so my teacher ventured to randomly pic students from the chart. He got to about 10 and the yells started- for they knew there would not be many more students to get a chance. I heard many Yes, I can-s, and ME ME ME ME-s and then it happened----- One very loud student got up from his desk and while raising his hand- walked to the front of the room in front of the teacher and waved his hand so much and yelled ME ME ME,,, well the teacher ignored it then- what happened made me Laugh out loud- the student then placed his raised hand on the teachers face- poking his eyes. I was so shocked and yet laughed when the teacher backed up and started asking the student what are you doing? and in japanese joked with him like he always does. Thus the laughter started- I know this means nothing to you but sit here and try to see it happen- there is pure chaos as students are writing on the board and then the student poked the teachers eye- that reminded me so much of elementary school (nazukashi desu-oh like old times). I love those times. How fun...

Now it is about 80 degrees everyday starting like at 6 am- there is a front moving in and summer behind it- this worries me.. I am sitting in the teachers room just so hot from the day and worn out- I am almost asleep.... The warmer it is the harder it is to stay awake at work- thus the battle begins. Also the women start wearing longer sleeves in hopes that their skin will not be touched but all I say is - "where's the sunshine?"-Please sing with me....

Next, I had to let the news go today that my b-day is this week- May 15th to be exact due to us talking about birthdays. But in Japan they are not that cool but since the students know my birthday they will all be singing the Birthday Song all day-(kinda reminds me of the yes, i can phenomenon) SO I shall prepare myself and venture into the day with joy for hearing lots of English. What am I doing for my b-day? Well going with some friends to my fav dinning spot- Natural Grace for their wonderful Tofu burger with salad and bread! IT is SO delicious. Then we shall venture to the Shidax Karaoke place to enjoy a few hours of intense singing and jigging till we can't jig any more- and last stop at a convenience store for some great 100 yen icecream- Kinda like the dolla menu at MCDonalds (Macrodonarudos- in Japanese). Keeping it low key and very traditional! Am I excited- well as my rents would say "after about my 15th b-day" I have not liked b-days. They are fun but yeah I am only 23 this year- maybe if i was 25 i could rent a car or something but 23 is just - well one year out of school and living in Japan so well I am just glad this gets all my friends together to enjoy ridiculous fun!

Well I have hit the 15 min mark, the last 15 mins of work- wed... EHHH. Today was great but SO busy- I have had prolly 1 hour or less to myself- which is not usual- but nice! This means I am tired from today for more than just sitting here and preping for next year! I worked hard today (as usual) but got to be in the classroom even more which was great! Also the Board of Educaiton came to watch some lessons for like 5 mins so all the teachers were so nervous- even the English teachers. Man it made it worse- we didn't just work together they looked like they were confused- but other than that- I was relaxed (it was a great practice for relaxing when this happens in the states- maybe it was that I do not understand or that they were there to watch the teacher really not me? not sure but I was relaxed- it was nice)

Also, I am the RIDA- leader for Bible Study this week and what has been on my heart is- God's love- even when you can't love.... The idea that not everyone is easy to love and yet we have more than just our love we have Gods love which can be seen through us even when it is a struggle to love. Romans 5:6-11- shows God ultimate love - while were were sinners and still so unlovable Christ dies for us... 2 Peter 3:9- He is patient with us- knowing all and yet is still patient with us- even if we are annoying... Galations 5:6b, 14-we have love expressed in our hope we have for our future eternity with God, and we are commanded to love one another... And also Ephesians 3:14-19 and Ephesians 5:25-27 which are examples of the love we should show in many ways. I was just struck by how unlovely I am to people many times and especially to those who I struggle to Love.... So I leave us with this.....

9And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, 11filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.-Philipians 1:9-11. 

Oh yeah and these are great too (1Thessalonians 4:9, and Colosians 1:5-6)

Remember: When you find a great musician share them with your friends- then they many benefit from them too----- Hence- Check out Chris Taylor- I just bought his CD- sweet music sweet lyrics...


May 9, 2009

MORE SEAWEED, Onegaishimasu!

Cruise Ship we took (well called a ferry but the closest thing I have been on that looks like a cruise ship!)

Tokyo Skyline! from the ferry

The ferry was full of people- if you didn't by a ticket with a bed you got the ground (which was the same as a bed- you will see) Kinda reminded me of the 1700's cruise ships- sleeping on the poop deck.

Our beds- basically carpeted floor and a solid brick shaped pillow

My bunk- Japanese style! How come I was the only one who could fit into them??

ON the subway in Tokyo- NO swine flu getting on this subway!

Our Jolly White Giant- thanks for the track suit Adeng- We love it!

My Army tattoo, Its REAL.... thanks Madeline!

Angela reads like a mad woman- thus she sleeps like a mad woman too

While it rains the slumber party starts! Nails first!

Crazy pictures- we always do this- it is great!
Too much Rain!

Who can read a peanut clock? NOt ME!

Ok we were so bored at one time we watched this anime show about a boy who turned into a bird and fought other birds...

WE fought bugs all week- I have about 15 bug bites all over- from head to toe.

Our food at the Pension/hostel- It was AMAZING! HOME cooking please. This is sashimi- raw fish- delish!

this was a fish- not sure what it was but IT WAS my FAV of all the meals!

More sashimi boats- raw fish! 

EATING- family style! It was so great!

Last I can't believe I am doing this- This is the spider I was talking about- I can't stand it- GROSS. IT was huge- if you need to take care of bugs then get a monkey! (ps it made me gag on my Ice Cream- what a jerk!)
US getting ready to board- this pic proves- rain or shine- it is not the weather that dictates the vacation but the wonderful friends you have..
Angela and コーヒー (coffee) milk I had. She doesn't like coffee but I do. Also if you look at the man on the poster- we see him everywhere- and if you look close Angela does look Japanese- man I captured Japan in one pic!

Scrabble please- I take my tiles everywhere. This vacation we even played a game with some Japanese surfers- and they won- (we are loosing out English).

Remember: ..the word- Juxtaposition- love it use it...


May 7, 2009

Back from the Island off the Island....

Minasan, Konnichiwa! Hey I am back at school checking back in with you as I get back to the grind of work and of non- vacation life. So as the Maria (Sound of Music) would instruct- Lets start at the very beginning a very good place to start......When you read you begin with ABC when you vacation, for Golden WEEK,  you begin with NIJIMA....

The Pacific from the Onsen we chilled at

So it all starts on Sunday May 3. We head for the Big Mikan- in hopes of a wonderful meal before the overnight ferry that will take us to the Island. (sounds like a line from that movie called the Island.) Any who, we end up with coslaw from KFC for lunch but a kicker of TGIFridays for dinner. It was a great choice! Well we go to board the ferry around 10 pm and sit there for about another hour just enjoying the unusually warm day along with the combination of gasoline from the ferry and the smokers surrounding us. (so we were definitely high before boarding) Then we go to get on this ferry (to which we thought maybe the smallest tug boat with mickey sitting on top whistling and dancing....) but we were pleasantly surprised at the small cruise ship we boarded. It was huge. We ran to catch a bed down down stairs (on the poop deck) but realized that by bed they meant laying on the cement ground with a brick shaped pillow (the small kind) and duck tape to show our boundaries. (Man I use to use pillows to separate people while slumber partying but duck tape - that is not thick enough for the rolly type of sleeper.) (Danger ensued). Or not- thank fully we could lay down and sleep during the 6-7 hour boat ride. 

By the Beach!

Monday May 4th- We were awoken by the most annoying happy song as we reached the first island. We were at the second island so we hoped to be able to fall right back to sleep after hearing this whistling toon that was too happy for about 500 am. BUT then what ensued burnt a deep dislike for birds of any kind but especially the happy ones who just won't leave you alone. As we lay there this CD of bird noises kept us awake and ruined any potential for sleep. Many were yelling- shut off the birds- but no one would listen (or maybe that is not what they were saying- it was in Japanese so I could have a bad translation-but I said it in English and hoped for results but saw none.) So that was ridiculous. Next our island 630m. We got off to the wonderful sun and crash of the Pacific Ocean on the beach. We were met by our host- Mr. Watanabe (or whatever his name was this name is like the Mr smith of Japan so i chose it) and we were whisked away to the house to which we had a room. (And side note- my name translated MA-RRY CHEESU- to which I received a relief laugh when  I told him my name was KEESU not CHEESU- so he insisted to call me CHESSU san- I loved it!). Then we changed into our beach wears and headed out. WE rented their biked for 500 yen (5 dolla a day) and we were give no LOCKS- that is how great these bikes were. They had huge tires but short seats- to short for me too- and the rust was deep. It was FABULOUS! with a YOSH we headed to find the beach- Not knowing we would have the best leg workouts to find the beach! We road around the beaches for a while looking for people or something- there were no people on the beach- HWHAT? but we found a ONSEN- public bath (swimsuits one) and took a dive into warm onsen water to start the day and the tans/ burns. We met some sweet people and just enjoyed the sun for a few hours before traveling to find dinner. (side note while at this onsen there were many places with lot of rocks and Angela became our Little Hawaiian Mermaid, Annie- our Sunscreen Queen, and ME- well more like the lover of bugs. 

The wonderful view- reminded us of Jurassic Park.

Tuesday and Wed- May 5th and 6th. It rained both days but did that stop us- well not really! We went out on the bikes and soaked ourselves on Tuesday to get out and shop around a little and then enjoy some sweet games of Scrabble- and meeting more gaijin who came for the island but who got rain instead. Then we went back to this liquor shop where we got all our supplies- just kidd'n- we got ice cream everyday- great softo creamu- banilla- and bdu beddy- sugoi! BUt the second day we walked in and got ice cream and THEN THERE WAS THE SPIDER- I am not one who can deal with spiders well and this one was over the size of my hand! You might be thinking- seriously as big as your hand- But truth be told- It was! there will be pics up by some friends soon that is the pics of it- CRAZY SCARRY! I was creeped and kinda nauseated while eating my ice ice for the day trying not to face it- grosss. I believe it was greenish brown and just chilling on the wall- but after one look I couldn't think about it any more. Why was it there- the man said- it takes care of the bugs- SERIOUSLY GET A CAGE FOR THAT- creeper! AHHH I am actually writing this part from my couch and have my feet elevated kinda waiting to get this done- Ok I am done- no bad dreams tonight! 

Cold on the ferry weathering the wind!

But other than that- we met some cool people on the last few days. The owners of the pension were this sweet family who opened up their house for visitors. Its their business. They were so cute and offered us everything. They cooked two meals where we ate with the other guests and just ate family style-it was great. I felt like they were our family! Also the other guests we said things like hello to but one couple had this little bitty girl who would just stare at us and then when she ate was so CUTE, oh my it was the high light of my day to see her and watch her interact with her family! CUTE! Then we had the surfer dudes- a group of three high school boys- oh wait they were in college ( i must have taken them at their attitude-hehe) but no they actually were not that bad. At first they were the ridiculous boys who try to speak English just to draw attention to themselves but really just make fools of themselves, but after bearing the ridiculousness at the end I did play a reasonable game of Scrabble with them- and they turned out to be less ridiculous but they were still pretty surfer stereotypical! ( it happens in Cali and Japan). Any who, this was wed- we chilled for a while enjoying breakfast, and just packing up. and killing the last of the mosquitoes that bugged us in our room- we had so many bugs in there and wondered where they came from- frustration. And just playing scrabble then heading to the ferry. IT was so windy and so many people! WOW. They were just lying all over the stairs and open floor wherever they could. We were glad to have the bunk rooms just to get away from everyone but it was kinda fun seeing all the people just chilling together. We just walked all over that ferry singing, being blown around and rained on- basically just enjoying being wet and smelling like a wet dog! The ride home was more rough than going to the island but it was a fun ride! The views were great! We also saw some of our friends (or people we have said hi to) and it was kinda like- hey I know you- that is cool! so many surf boards. SWEET. 

At the Onsen- Filling in tan lines. 

so you could say this was a sweet trip what a great time! We all just laughed- watched ridiculous Japanese TV variety shows showcasing random acts, walking, biking, some sun burns, and just being together! SUGOI! IT was a great trip to the Island off the Island.

Ferry pics

Remember: The color purple and green are reserved for a big dino that loves many people. Don't put it on a coat and wear it.

We slept in these caskets/beds


Real surfers

ps If you were wondering we did get the stares that said- AMERICANS- they may have the swine flu...... We just coughed and moved on...  (not to be offensive but it has been ridiculous here)....

May 1, 2009

Things are happening.....

Random thoughts before lunch....

Golden Week is quickly approaching- the week- or 4 days that most of Japan travels- kinda the big even that gets people out and about- thus there is a raise in prices of everything as well as more people just being out- which in and of its self would just be more stressful- due to so many people living here anyway! (sorry long run on). SO what am I doing? Well of course I am traveling to an island off the main island for more beach time- and hopefully to scare a few Japanese people with getting a tan (here that is so bad). Any who, We are going to a place called- Nijima- it is more touristy but a wonderful spot to get away from the hussle and bussle of life here and have time with my family here! We are going from Sunday- on a ferry for 8 hours- till Wednesday. I am totally ready to go now but have about 6 hours of sitting here doing nothing till I can go get ready! But any who I will update with pics and news after I return. 

Two, the pig flu is the main topic of conversation lately because of the severity and the travel plans of so many people. This Golden Week is usually planned for about 1 year in advance so a huge plan. the travel plans of many people are changing. Many are not traveling outside of the Country and staying close- which is very rare for this time. Many are still planning to leave the country but are under very strict education of how to not get sick and not bring it back. If there was ever a person to get the flu here (which there is one prefecture who has it- a person from Canada brought it) then they shut down the schools till it is worked through. This could be a very scary thing- just as it is in the USA now. I have been praying heavily for the safety of people around the world who have this flu and for the speedy making of a anti-virus shot or vaccine. But God is still on his thrown and because of that He will take care of his own. I believe God is above this and will help us through this. 

Any who, Happy May Day. This is the day which signifies the great spring weather that will be coming and the happy green earth that we have. As far as Japan it is very green and warm but the states- looks like rain- but that April rain brings May flowers! (that is ridiculous) any who Happy May day- I have been making various origami flowers for my teachers to celebrate this uncelebrated holiday. I would rather have baskets of popcorn and candy to give out but with limited popcorn and baskets I shall turn to the endless supply of origami paper to fulfill this celebration. I think the tulip is the choice of flower for it is way easier than an iris and my big fingers can handle it! 

Next, I want to address my lack of ability to write good blogs- yet my want to do so. I am sorry GOMENE- to those who have stopped reading my blog due to the lack of interest they ensue. I have wanted to write something but have just been so random I need to focus my thoughts. AHHHH. Sorry and please write in and tell me what I should write about... I need to do more about Japan.... that will come especially after Golden Week.... Or maybe about how this morning I put my coffee in a thermos that had soup in it last night and so the end of my coffee was much like a soup smoothy- yet because of my determination to drink my coffee and not leave anything out- I downed it like there was no tomorrow (as Napoleon would say- GROSS), or how I tried to out run the train today as I usually do on Fridays but got stopped by it and thus had to bike like a crazy person to make it to a meeting which I do not understand anything that is happening ever but if I am late, looks bad, or how there was a pigeon that joined my lesson this morning staring in the window which thus- distracted the students to the point that one threw something at it to get it away from the window, or how there is a meeting or something this after noon but I am completely lost to what is happening but have to stay here for like 5 hours just sitting here typing and just enjoying the breeze- yet my legs fall asleep from sitting here- and the impatience of my self wanting to jump out the window and just run free saying- EHHHHHH? well other than that- my blogs seem just to random for the common good- so I ask- what would you want to hear about??? What would interest you (based on my circumstances and lack of writing ability- let me know so I can interest you.

Rememeber: It is a pretty desperate blogger to have to ask the audience for help- but I have come to that point- So please help me.
