yall! Since the "grind" is calling and I do not mean
Carmel or French Vanilla whole beans, I shall expand my mind to positive things which to my knowledge uplift and create an explosive personality. (To those who think- all about being happy? did you not say in a prior blog- its all about anger? Who are you confusing) Well to those who seem to be confused let me
enlighten your thoughts- Concentrating on the anger helps bring about change for the better, focusing on happiness then lets this change be easier and hopefully send more endorphins to the brain. So lets try to think think think about what makes us happy....... some say.... Happiness is
1. Smelling their favorite desert
2. Spas
3. Getting dirty
4. Jumping into a bucket of noodles
5. Medications
6. Tuna and noodles
7. Making payments on time
8. Being able to support their family
and the list would go on longer but now Just a Guz reflect on what happiness is- why- to be deep and make me not want to read your blog again? Of course not- this is reflective journalism- trying to take time to think about happy things.
Just a Guz would say: Happiness is
1. Running- though it seems to be a painful experience- a great release of life
2. Time to reflect/blog
3. Time with friends
4. Laughing- not the piddly stuff but the gut wrencher kind
5. A good night sleep
6. Night Quill- at the moment of pure sleepage- not after you wake up
7. Having 5 mins to breathe and not say a word
8. Music
9.Knowing that no matter what happens some one has your back (pointing upwards)
10. Frosted Animal Crackers-(iced A's)
11. Gum- God was definitely thinking of me and many ADD children- not that I have ADD but uhhhhhh..
11.5 Music
12. That feeling that you get when you Guz a pop (that feeling you get in the back of your throat)
13. Bodies of Water-I use all five senses for that one!
14. Not talking- i know you don't believe it
15. Being understood- not to win but to understand each other
16. The feeling of a good snuggle
16.5 Michael Buble, Rihanna, and right now-Joel Auge- yes please!
17. Fires- if they would only not make you smell bad
18. Mac computers
19. Dissonance (music kind)- the kind which sometime is never resolved
20. Waking up a half hour later than before!
These things make Just a Guz feel a sense of happiness- thought silly- just the thought of a good one of these keeps everyone at JaG up on their toes! This to say- think about something good today and who knows your day might actually turn into a pile of crap- but your head is up high and you survived!
Remember: It may seem like you like green paint but until you try it out on a small portion of the wall you may never know if it is pea green- or blueishy- greenishy- brown!