The ideas of knowing yourself is so vague. Between that and the ideas of love- puking into a 12 oz can of Monster sounds more enjoyable. To know how you will react in every situation- impossible till they are right in front of you. What if you found a snake in your bathtub, or the feeling you will get when you realize you are going to another country, or maybe your best friend says they are getting married or surprise you are that one in a million winner toothbrushes for a year. To avoid danger/change we tend to view others errors or adventures- which are not a reflection of your life but of their life. There is this wish that some human mistakes can be gaurded against because of others influence is seemingly unrealistic. Thought we at Just a Guz like to be impecably ahead of most things there is just some things that are seen but not heard till the time they break the sound barrier. Time to celebrate, cry, feel the need to be moved, to forget, to remember, these are the questions asked by many who feel this inability to adapt to the sudden/ not so sudden changes of life. So funny we decide that if we do what others do it will make our lives easier and less stumbling. But not everyone plays the "knife game" correctly first you have to loose some fingers. This life process is full of change and self awareness which kick the can of your life jumble the pieces till you run over and hit base. Is base safety or just a moments break till you learn your next piece of advise? Some advise is harder to handle and some is pretty enjoyable- like the time I added more butter to the cookies than I thought and they actually came out even better than if i had followed the directions- or the time "someone" thought life would be better with tight rolled jeans in 2008- life is full of changes- and for those who don't like change- I say "holla at your JaG" because there are those who "love" change and those who will use flexibility in their job interview in hopes that some day they may be flexible enough to be successful the ideas of change. To both I salute you! We need changers and changeless to help us realize who we are which we will only find out when we have expelled all emotion and time. So for those of you who are human- step back take time to realize how small you really are- not to bash yourself- but to take from each situation the joy and sorrow of life but to also see the larger picture of Chuck Norris not karate chopping the neighborhood gangster but serving the world with justice.
Remember: Not all which is written is to be understood- it is to explore the brain in hopes that some day you will look back and laugh because that could have been the most ridiculous thing you could have said!
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