June 28, 2008

Read if you like but if you don't want to don't but please leave your remarks to yourself we don't want to hear your stupidity...

Here at Just A Guz we like to represent many avenues of the blogging world. From news articles, opinions, to the personality of the person behind JaG we try to show the world there is no one way to blog. Blogging is a reflection of life wherever it happens. SO after disclaiming and mission stating this blog sight Just a Guz chose to endorse a website tonight...

Why an endorsement, well for those who endorse (Politicians excluded) it is more of a rarity for endorsers for if you choose to endorse the choice is come by many toiling days.. or just a few great laughs.

Tonight we are endorsing a website called passiveaggressivenotes.com. What you may ask? yeah a blog set up which finds great passive aggressive statements and letters around the world and places them on their blog. The thought and brains behind these types of statements are so impressive and clever I laugh each time I peruse the merch! to honor this please join me by clicking the highlighted hyperlink and enjoying the ridiculously clever statements. Another way to honor this is to write your own passive aggressive notes- which can easily be shared by blogging a great passive device...... So here it goes

To those who like to get on the interstate at 25 miles per hour you obviously had a blind drivers education instructor because your lack of knowledge in driving almost cost many their lives. So if you want to drive try following the law (drive the speed limit) try it it works for most. OR just get off the road and turn yourself in for stupid driving. For those who drive the speed limit or  more thank you for knowing driving consists of pushing on the gas pedal. 

Remember: If you ever smell something burning first look out the window- it could be your next door neighbors foreclosed house. 


1 comment:

Bryan said...

I will remark on what I want. Power to the people.