June 5, 2008

How to eat like an Olympian

12,000 calories-
 Breakfast- dozen pastries, i egg McMuffin- Mc D- 3800 cal
 Snack- 1 scoop whey-100 cal
 Lunch- Chinese buffet- filling about 8 plates- 1400 cals
 Snack 2- Subway meatball sub- 1600 cals
 Dinner- 6 cups of fried chicken curry, 1 whole bbq chicken, 6oz steak, fried potatoes- 2400 cals, 
Snack 3- five granola bars, 1 medium bag of chips, 3 cups of pop, a can of nuts- 2000 cals= grand total around 12,ooo calories! 

Now this is not the most nutritional 12,000 calories a person could eat but is about the size of a meal for one Olympian. He has to eat 12,000 calories a day in order not to loose weight. Talk about every meal a 7 course meal and snacks the 5 course meals! 12,000 calories is about what a average lets say- girl- would want to eat in a week if not less! What??!?!  Who is this guy?- Mr. Midnight Buffet? 
As a side note- If you envy this person-(which I would be surprised if you did!) Hey if it is food you want- just eat- it is not worth counting about 5 lbs of extra fat on your body a day- or working out as much as he does! 

Remember: Cut your nails- Who likes people who have ridiculously long nails! (not your computer!)


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